
Chicanery(Liar Of My Life) Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    To the Love of My Life

    "Honey, I have a stomachache. Please let me off tonight!" "Honey, I think I might have a slight cold. Please let me off tonight!" "Honey, I'm going to a friend's house later. Please let me off tonight!” Before getting married, Ruby Gregory always thought about how to seduce Steve Burton. But after marriage, Ruby Gregory started thinking about how to get Steve Burton to leave her alone for one night. However, no matter how unbeatable her excuses were, he always easily resolved them. "Honey, I'm in the Maldives right now. Make sure to lock up the house tonight before you sleep!" Since she couldn't avoid it, she decided to run away. She actually wanted to take a day off without consulting him? Steve Burton pondered for a moment and gave his assistant some instructions. At midnight that night, someone knocked on the hotel door, and Ruby Gregory heard Steve Burton's gentle voice through the door, "Dear, open the door."

    Ye Feiye · General
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    Istri Liar Kaisar Jahat

    Dia telah melalui jalan yang panjang Tanpa keluarga, terlahir sebagai si lemah yang tidak berguna di Negara Naga Nilakandi. Gu Rouoyun adalah aib dari keluarga Gu yang terhormat. Dituduh melakukan kejahatan yang dia tidak lakukan, dia di khianati oleh keluarganya, dan di pukuli hingga tewas oleh Kakeknya sendiri. Tetapi kehidupan berkata lain—dia dibangkitan kembali! Dengan dimulainya hidupnya yang baru, dia adalah Tuan dari sebuah pusaka kuno yang tertanam di tubuhnyaa. Pil kultivasi yang sangat berharga, kekayaan yang di luar imajinasinya yang paling liar sekalipun dan hewan spiritual, semuanya ada di genggamannya.. Dia adalah kebanggaan semua orang, termasuk si tampan yang misterius. Sekarang dia hanya memiliki 1 tujuan—Untuk menguasai Dunia.

    Xiao Qiye · Fantasy
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    Satu Malam Liar

    Lucinda Perry, seorang penyendiri sosial dan pekerja keras, berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk benar-benar menggila di ulang tahunnya yang ke-25 dan bahkan mencetak one night stand jika ia mendapatkan promosi yang sudah lama ditunggu di pekerjaannya. Beberapa hari sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke-25, dia dipromosikan ke posisi yang lebih tinggi dan tidak hanya itu, tapi ke kantor pusat di kota yang berbeda. Harus menghabiskan malam ulang tahunnya di kota baru, dia pergi ke klub di mana dia bertemu dengan orang asing tampan, Thomas Hank, yang menawarkan diri untuk menjadi one night stand-nya setelah melihat daftar berani-melakukannya, yang termasuk memiliki satu malam berdiri. Thomas Hank, setelah digunakan oleh beberapa wanita di masa lalu, bertekad untuk mendapatkan wanita impiannya yang akan mencintainya untuk dirinya sendiri dan bukan karena kekayaannya. Jadi ketika dia bertemu Lucinda Perry yang imut dan polos di klub, dia memutuskan untuk menjaga identitas aslinya dari dia dan mencari tahu apakah dia layak untuk dia pertahankan. ***Excerpt*** Apa yang lebih menghibur daripada sisi karakter yang gila? Katakan halo pada Sonia dan Bryan. Jantung Sonia berhenti berdetak sebentar, lalu berbagai pemikiran mulai berterbangan di kepalanya pada saat yang sama. Bryan Hank? Idola selebriti yang dia naksir sedang berlutut tepat di depannya dan memintanya untuk menjadi istrinya? Apakah dia salah mengira dia dengan orang lain? Apakah mungkin ini adalah lelucon, atau mungkin ini seperti salah satu lelucon selebriti dan ada kamera-kamera di sekitar, menunggu untuk merekam dia membuat dirinya tampak bodoh? Atau mungkin dia sedang bermimpi? Sonia bertanya-tanya sambil melihat-lihat sekitar mereka, tetapi yang dia lihat hanyalah penonton yang penasaran. "Tolong! Jadilah istriku dan buat aku menjadi pria paling bahagia di Bumi," katanya dengan suara keras yang menarik perhatian semua orang. Editornya yang telah ditunggunya selama lebih dari satu jam karena dia mencoba menandatangani kesepakatan dengan produser film yang tertarik dengan salah satu ceritanya, muncul saat itu juga, "Sonia, kamu kenal Bryan Hank?" Tanyanya dengan heran saat melihat adegan di depannya. Sepertinya sudah berjam-jam sejak Bryan berlutut, tapi ternyata baru satu menit. Bryan tahu tidak ada wanita yang cukup gila untuk menerima proposal gila seperti itu, dan bahkan jika ada yang mau menerima, membayarnya dan membatalkan keseluruhan hal tersebut akan mudah karena yang dia inginkan hanyalah skandal yang bisa terjadi dari situ. Judul beritanya mendatang akan tentang proposal pernikahan yang ditolak atau pertunangannya yang dikatakan, yang cukup membuat Sophia lepas dari kaitannya. "Ya!" Jawab Sonia dengan semangat sambil menganggukkan kepalanya dan mengulurkan jarinya agar dia memakaikan cincin pertunangan. "Ya?" Tanya Bryan dengan bingung saat mendengar jawabannya. "Ya! Aku akan menjadi istrimu dan membuatmu menjadi pria paling bahagia di dunia!" Sonia berkata dengan tertawa dan menggerakkan jarinya hingga Bryan memasukkan cincin itu ke jarinya. Secara mengejutkan cincin itu adalah ukuran yang tepat untuknya, dan duduk di jarinya seolah-olah dibuat khusus untuknya. Suara tepuk tangan meledak di sekitar mereka saat Sonia berdiri dengan senyum lebar di wajahnya dan memeluk Bryan sebelum menciumnya tepat di bibir. Bryan sedikit terkejut dengan keberaniannya tapi cepat pulih karena ini adalah permainannya, dan dia harus ikut serta. Dia lah yang mendekatinya terlebih dahulu, bagaimanapun juga. Jadi ketika dia mencoba memutuskan ciuman, dia memegang dagunya dan perlahan menggigit bibir bawahnya sebelum membuka bibirnya dengan lidahnya dan mengisapnya dengan cara yang menggoda, mengeluarkan desahan dari Sonia. Sonia merasa pusing. Ini terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan. Itu haruslah mimpi. Bagaimana lagi dia bisa menjelaskan bahwa pada suatu saat dia duduk di lobi hotel menunggu editornya, dan pada saat berikutnya dia bertunangan dengan idola selebriti yang dia naksir dan menciumnya di sini di depan umum?

    Miss_Behaviour · Urban
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    Gadis Lugu Liar Galak

    Seorang gadis muda yang sehat, ceria, dan memiliki kemampuan magis tiba-tiba meninggal karena keracunan gas di sebuah restoran. Setelah sadar, ia menemukan jiwanya masuk ke tubuh seorang gadis desa bernama Lu Sheng dari desa Liuyue, negara Xuanyue. Ia pun hidup sebagai Lu Sheng dan menggantikan jiwa pemilik asli tubuh itu. Lu Sheng yang dulunya dikenal sebagai gadis yang polos, lembut, dan pemalu pun seketika berubah menjadi lebih pemberani dan galak setelah jiwanya berganti. Lu Sheng menyandang status sebagai tunangan Tuan Magistrat kota Lingjiang, Chu Sihan. Awalnya, Li Sheng yang asli akan menikah dengannya, tetapi sebuah insiden tiba-tiba terjadi dan membuat pernikahan tertunda. Chu Sihan yang sebenarnya tidak ingin menikah dengan Lu Sheng si gadis desa, perlahan-lahan tertarik dengan Lu Sheng yang sekarang. Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah Lu Sheng dan Chu Sihan, juga orang-orang yang ada di sekitar mereka?

    Lukisan Jelas · General
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    Bram (Pria Kos yang Liar)

    Bram (Pria Kos yang liar) Warning! 21+ Maya adalah wanita bersahaja yang bekerja sebagai guru. Dia memiliki suami yang bernama Benny, seorang GM sebuah hotel di luar kota. Karena tuntutan kerja, Benny jarang sekali pulang. Hal itu membuat Maya terguncang karena kebutuhan Batin yang tidak terpenuhi. Sampai datanglah seorang Pria yang indekos di rumahnya Maya. Dia bernama Bram, Pria bertubuh bak binaraga yang memiliki sisi ‘LIAR’. Hal itu terlihat dari caranya yang menyetubuhi setiap wanita yang dia bawa ke kos. Sangat Ganas dan Jantan sekali, bahkan membuat para wanita kewalahan sendiri. Maya diam-diam memendam hasrat kepada Bram. Dia yang pemalu, berusaha untuk memancing Pria itu untuk bersenggama dengannya. Tetapi entah kenapa sikap Bram justru di luar dari ekspektasinya. Pria itu justru menujukan sifat santun dan lembut kenapa Maya. Sementara, Hasrat Maya kepadanya sudah tidak bisa terbendung lagi. Kenapa Bram bersikap demikian? Apakah Maya berhasil menaklukan Pria ‘LIAR’ itu?

    Lazuarrdi · Fantasy
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    Angel Slayer: Liar in the Survival Game

    Living in Light City, the only peaceful and safe place that was considered paradise, Ethan had never known the hardships of a simple life. Everyone was well off and the future was determined. He had always wanted to go to the Dark Outskirts, the dangerous territory outside of Light City. The day had come when his wish could come true, all he had to do was pass the exam and become completely free. However, the most important day of Ethan's life became even more significant with the arrival of the Angels, bringing disaster. A disaster that turned Light City into a survival game and put people through trials. Now everyone had to live their worst nightmare. Ethan, using his wit and guile, follows the path of power, facing the hardest choice of his life. All for revenge and to make every Angel pay for what they've done.

    Arlemit · Fantasy
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    The Godlike Liar

    Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

    KingDiazie · Fantasy
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    My Mysterious life

    After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

    Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
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    My Liar Boyfriend

    What happens when you fall in love with the biggest liar in the entire world? Does such a relation have any meaning? Will you ever be able to accept him? ........ A short and a cute story, which will take you in a dreamland!

    Vampire_hunter · Urban
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    Gairah Liar Kakak Tiriku

    WARNINGG!!! Area khusus 21++ harap bijak dalam memilih bacaan

    CeritaRatna · Fantasy
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    LIar liAR

    J-Son, the singer who was praised for being the voice of angel was hiding a very disturbing past. Being in the music industry for 4 years, he had blanked out that memory until one day, everything changed. To distract this issue from touching the core of his past, he took a route that none expected. Will he be able to keep his music career going with the devil of the past still haunting him? Or will this path give an unexpected person to change his destiny?

    kirafu · Realistic
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    Liar, Liar Billionaires

    She is feisty. She is crazy. She is versatile and that is one of the few reasons why Chloe Pepper is so damn good at her job. And she is back in town to mingle and dine with the NAG brothers until the famous billionaires are successfully jailed. ~ Three men, famous for their wealth and beauty. Three brothers not from the same mother with a bond so strong no one has been able to cut through. They are the NAG brothers and they are about to receive an unknown storm in their household in the form of Chloe Pepper. ~ Working undercover is one thing, surviving the fiery gazes and seducing gestures of the famous gorgeous billionaires is something else. Will Chloe be able to expose the crimes of these brothers without being caught in her surprisingly fitting maid’s uniform? Or will she find herself falling for the charms of one of them or… two or… three of them, hence jeopardizing her mission?

    Lola_Ben · Urban
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    "She is feisty. She is crazy. She is versatile and that is one of the few reasons why Chloe Pepper is so good at her job. And she is back in town to mingle and dine with the NAG brothers until the famous billionaires are successfully jailed. Three men, famous for their wealth and beauty. Three brothers not from the same mother with a bond so strong no one has been able to cut through. They are the NAG brothers and they are about to receive an unknown storm in their household in the form of Chloe Pepper. Working undercover is one thing, surviving the fiery gazes and seducing gestures of the famous gorgeous billionaires is something else. Will Chloe be able to expose the crimes of these brothers without being caught in her surprisingly fitting maid’s uniform? Or will she find herself falling for the charms of one of them or… two or… three of them, hence jeopardizing her mission?"

    Lola Ben · Urban
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    My Lovely Liar

    A Female employee falls in love with her Cold-hearted Boss.He is Handsome and every ladies Dream, but he doesn't Really have time for Women People even thought he was a Gay,Coz no Woman or Lady have ever Visited him Or seen with him Apart from his Spoiled Younger Sister How is she going to win her Boss heart,? Find out by Reading this Intriguing Story by Pensula9ken

    Pensula9ken · Fantasy
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    my lovely liar

    America_Mienebi · Teen
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    Liar Liar.

    At Academy Island, everything is settled through “Games” waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins!

    ZABARDAST_HACKER · Realistic
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    You are my Life

    She was there only for a blind date, but had been mistaken as the third person to seduce the men. She angrily cursed," don't know that scum!" As a result, she had been pestered by this "scum" ever since. She became his wife because of an agreement of " secret marriage". They clearly said that they wouldn't touch each other, but this Mr. Huo actually went back on his word in the blink of an eye. Not only did he forcibly take her body, but he also wanted her heart. "I want -" "Well, I'll satisfy you!" He agreed immediately. However, what she actually wanted to say was, "I want a divorce," but she ended up being carried to bed by him.. it's an edited version of original story.....

    Eliot29 · Urban
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    My Life, My Story

    Ye Beom, as an author, lived her life by dedicating everything to her works. But, a strange phenomenon happened to her. Ye Beom transmigrated into her unfinished novel, unknown to her what has caused this and what will happen to her. As she continues to live on, on her unfinished novel, the flow of her story will be changed. But, what will be those things that will change? No. The first question that matter most is, how did she transmigrated into the unfinished novel? Did she really died? But how come Ye Beom has no recollection of her, dying? Thus continues the enthralling life of Ye Beom in her novel

    Paranoias · History
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    Suchona_Chowdhury · Games
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    Start of my erotic life

    One day Xiao Jian discovers his neighbor Uncle Zhang Qian’s wife Xiao Yunyun inside a bus…. He approaches her only to discover a man mol*sting her, filled with anger he pushed the man away from her but standing behind her he noticed something strange with his Sister Yunyun…. Filled with curiosity and falling to the temptation before his eyes he started mol*sting Sister Yunyun, as he became more bold he discovered she had actually inserted a vibrator inside her in this bus! Realizing that his Sister Yunyun was actually a pervert he thought of making her satisfy his insatiable libido! Since then he started to walk on the path of lust, Whether it's Sister In-law, Aunt they were on his list to bang... *Note this book is not written by me,If you want me to take it down then message me*

    Omatsu_Wenkon · Urban
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