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I felt a smack on my arm as my mom woke me up. 

"Eomma! Not so hard!" I whine.

"I don't want you to be late for the orientation at the university. Get up and get dressed!" My mom says.

She walks out of the room after she's done giving her speech, leaving me in a bad mood that she had woken me up with a slap. I sit up in bed and stretch my limbs, getting the sleep out of my mind as I try to think of what university life is like. I get dressed like my mom told me and brushed my teeth after, putting it in the suitcase with everything else. I look at the empty room that was once filled to the brim with posters and wall stickers. I sigh and grab the suitcase handle, going downstairs with it to see a plate of food waiting for me on the counter. My mom catches sight of me and the suitcase, bringing her hands to her face as tears spill down her face.

"Eomma, don't cry. I'm not that far away. Come visit whenever." I try to give her a reassuring smile.

"Y/N, that's supposed to be my line." My mom chuckles.

I chuckle along with her and hug her when she came close to me. There was a knock on the back door and I open it to see Taehyung standing on my back porch with a smile on his face. I open the door and he steps inside, embracing me in his warm hug. 

"Are you ready to come to school with me Y/N?" He asks.

"I think so." I say as I look around my house.

"Don't worry, the dorms kinda look like this." He gestures to the way everything was arranged in the kitchen.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

"Are you coming with us to the uni, eomma" Taehyung asks my mom.

"No, I have too much to do here. Y/N, don't be getting into trouble on your first day, got it?" My mom wags a finger at me.

"Yes, eomma, I understand." I say, hugging her once more.

I take my suitcase and go out the back door where Taehyung was once standing. I look back inside to see my mom and Tae hugging one another, reminding me of when appa died. That was when Tae really became part of the family, even if he isn't blood. Tae appeared in front of my vision and smiled, taking hold of my suitcase. He goes up the small hill to where his car was parked and put my stuff inside the trunk.

"You sure you have everything?" He asks.

"Yeah, I got everything." I nod and get into the passenger seat of Tae's car.

Tae gets in the drivers side and starts the car, music blaring through the speakers as soon as he turns the ignition. He hurriedly lowers the volume while I laugh at his taste in music. We pull away from my house and I stare out the window at all the passing buildings.

"Here pretty soon, I'll introduce you to my friends. You have to get out more you know." Tae says. 

"I mean, if you say so." I shrug.

"Y/N, you aren't spending your time in university in the library, this isn't high school. You are coming with me to every party I get invited to even if it means that you aren't going to study." Tae says, looking at me from time to time while driving.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat.

Tae smiles and we turn into the university parking lot, Korea University displayed in big letters on the entrance sign. Tae parks the car and we get out, taking my luggage into the main building for my dorm key. The lady at the front desk hands me a key to the third floor and I finally get to the room to see that some other girl was assigned as my roommate. I open the door to see her laying on the couch watching TV. She looks over and her face lights up. She stands up from the couch and bounces over to me.

"Hi! You must be my roommate! I'm Seulgi. You must be Y/N! Taehyung talks a lot about you." Seulgi takes my hand in hers.

"You know Tae?" I ask, looking back at him.

Tae smiles and rubs the back of his neck.

"Well, yeah, he's practically famous around here." Seulgi says.

Famous? Taehyung? Since when? I shake my head as I try to wrap my mind around that fact. I take a look around the dorm after putting my stuff in my room. We had space for at least two more people but I could tell that we weren't going to get any more roommates for the time being. I meet Tae and Seulgi back in the main living area.

"So are you a freshman too?" I ask Seulgi.

"Yeah, actually. It's nice to have a new friend on campus." Seulgi smiles.

I smile a bit shyly and nod in agreement. Tae's phone beeped and he checked it, his face lighting up as he read the text message. 

"I gotta bounce, but I'll be back tomorrow morning. Okay, Y/N?" Tae looks at me.

I nod slowly and he smiles, taking a few steps toward the door. He leaves me without a second thought, knowing that I didn't have any social skills whatsoever with anyone other than with him. The door closed and I look at Seulgi who was watching TV again, completely unaware that I was standing in front of her. I blink and decide to go to bed early. What good is having a roommate when I can't even talk to them without stuttering?
