
Chat Group: Hate

Arriving in Purgatory, Yuuma got the key to escape through pure luck, but to get out, he has to activate a chat group?! ~~~ Bonus Tags: #Slow Pace #Average Writing #NoHarem

OsloTheUnkown · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: Group Chat Activated

Word Count: 1582


Activate [Group Chat]?

Notice: This Action Can't Be Undone.



Delay Invitation [ON]


Staring at the bottom option I was confused on what it did, but since it was the default option I kept it as it was and selected the agree button.


Invitations Have Been Sent.


Looking at the prompt, I had gotten confirmation that it worked.


[System]: [Megalomaniac] has been added to the group.

[System]: [White Eyes] has been added to the group.

[System]: [Moon Dregs] has been added to group invite list.

[System]: [Prince of Fire] has been added to group invite list.

Looking at the nicknames of everyone who was added I had no clue who any of these people were…


[White Eyes]: What the hell? Is this some kind of Genjutsu?!


Looking at the first message to appear, I had suspected this to happen, but now I also had a pretty big clue on whom the member who joined now was.

Genjutsu? White Eyes? They're obviously part of the Hyuga Clan from the world of Naruto, now I just have to find a way to explain this.


[Megalomaniac]: This isn't a Genjutsu, would you like an explanation?

[White Eyes]: No.

[Megalomaniac]: …


Perhaps them figuring out the Chat Group by themselves would be better than an explanation.

*5 Minutes Later*


[White Eyes]: Okay fine give me an explanation.





[Megalomaniac]: Sure.

[Megalomaniac]: What you're looking at is the Chat feature of the group, it's a space where every person can communicate with each other regardless of where they're located.

[White Eyes]: But currently, it is only you and me correct?

[Megalomaniac]: Correct currently it's only me and you, but invites have been sent to two other people already.

[White Eyes]: You said the members could communicate regardless of distance, so that means we could be ninja of different Villages?

[Megalomaniac]: When I said regardless of where they're located, I meant even different dimensions, I myself am not from the Shinobi World.

[White Eyes]: What? Really?!

[Megalomaniac]: Yes, really, but you would have found all of this out if you just had spent those five minutes checking all the features.

[White Eyes]: I had to make sure it wasn't a Genjutsu, but I'm still skeptical.

[Megalomaniac]: I would be also if I was a ninja, but I have a way to prove it to you.

[White Eyes]: Which is?

[Megalomaniac]: I will use the Chat Group to travel to your world.

[White Eyes]: Hold on, I don't even know who you are, at least let us introduce ourselves before you do.

[Megalomaniac]: Sure, I'll go first.

[Megalomaniac]: The name's Chara, no last name.

[White Eyes]: I'm Shinsuke Hyuga.


'Shinsuke?' I had never heard of such a Hyuga with that name from the show, it was probably a character that never appeared.


[Megalomaniac]: Pleasure to meet you Shinsuke.

[White Eyes]: Same, will you be travelling over to me now?

[Megalomaniac]: Yes, I'll go now.


Shutting the Chat menu, I opened back up the Travel Menu.


[Travel] * Tickets: 1


[White Eyes]: Naruto World [Travel]

[Moon Dregs] Invite Pending.

[Prince of Fire]: Invite Not Sent.



Looking at the menu, it seemed the Invite for [Moon Dregs] was now pending, which was good, I just hoped I could finish my explanation to Shinsuke before he joined, so I didn't have to explain it to two people at the same time.

Moving my hand I selected [Travel], I finally would be able to get out of Purgatory!


'Is he really going to come?'

Shinsuke complained inwardly, if what this person named 'Chara' was saying was true, perhaps there was also a way to get rid of the Caged Bird Seal that he had!

What Chara explained to him, he was skeptical of, but even when he got a different member of the clan to view his flow of chakra with their byakugan, nothing was irregular.

So now he was seated on the sofa, patiently waiting for something to happen.

But nothing did, and as three minutes passed by, he was thinking that this was a ruse, and that the clansmen he asked were in on this prank also.

"Damn it, this was just a waste of ti-"

But suddenly Shinsuke was interrupted, as above him, it looked like space was twisting right above him, and over his table?

And much to his surprise a person fell out, but it seemed like they were more in a free fall rather than a gentle landing stanc-


"Ugh, my back."

I exclaimed in pain, I had been in a free fall for the last few minutes, and I landed on my side straight through Shinsuke's table.

Or that's what I think it was, as it was now just a pile of wooden splinters.

Standing up I patted the dust off my clothing, as the cuts and scratches I sustained healed themselves instantly.

'Shit, I ripped up my clothes.' I realized inwardly before looking at the stunned Shinsuke.

[Shinsuke Image]

"Sorry, about your table, it was my first time traveling through dimensions."

I said apologizing to the still stunned Shinsuke, who quickly snapped out of it.

"It's fine, anyway, I believe you now, I'll figure out the rest myself, you can travel back now."

Shinsuke said as he moved to grab a broom and dust pan from a small storage closet next to the front door, still slightly confused on how this person didn't sustain any injuries from such a rough fall.

"Are you sure, I travelled all the way here, I might as well stay here for a bit…"

I responded as Shinsuke slowly started realizing the chunks of woods were a little too large for the dust pan.

"I'm a little busy with cleaning right now, it's best for you to return later."

Shinsuke explained with a bitter smile and a visible tick mark.

"I can't."

I had used my only Travel Ticket to get here, and even If I could, I wouldn't forcefully place my self into solitary confinement.


Shinsuke didn't say anything but the annoyance was visible.

"If that's the case, then you can do the cleaning."

Shinsuke responded with a scary smile on his face.

"Fine, would you like me to explain the Group Features to you while I clean?"

I begrudgingly agreed to his request as he handed the broom and dustpan to me.


Shinsuke agreed, as he sat back down on the living room sofa, still slightly annoyed.

"I already told you about the Chat, so the only other features are the Shop, Travel Menu, and Quest Menu."

"In the Shop, you can exchange 'Credits' to buy basically anything as long as you have enough of them."

I explained, while emphasizing the 'Anything' part, which seemed to catch Shinsuke's attention.

"Hypothetically, I could buy something to unseal something else?"

Shinsuke asked hypothetically, but I knew exactly what he was getting at.

"Yep, you definitely buy an unsealing method for the Caged Bird Seal."

I responded, as I finished up cleaning the chunks and splinters of wood off the floor.

"How did you know?"

Shinsuke asked curiously, he had a sneaking suspicion that Chara knew more than he led on, just from other interactions, but now it was quite obvious.

"I'm provided with free in depth information on every member's world, a special benefit of being the first member."

I explained, though it was a lie, I wasn't about to send Shinsuke into crisis mode, by telling them their reality is a lie, and it was an anime from my old world.

"I see, well, you mentioned a Quest and Travel Menu too right."

Shinsuke asked, while he himself searched up the price of such an item in the shop.

"You can buy Travel Tickets in the shop and travel to any member's world, it's also the way I got here, and for the Quest Menu, it's a way to view activated quests, their conditions for completion, and other information, such as rewards, and it's also the only way to get Exchange Credits."

I said as I took a seat on the sofa across from Shinsuke, finishing my explanation of the Chat Group.

"When will the first quest start?"

Shinsuke asked slightly excited, usually a mission for a ninja like himself, would be full of danger, but the prospect of traveling to a different dimension on an epic quest sounded like a nice change of pace, and he would even get rewarded for it.

"I'm not sure, quests can only activate when all the other members join."

I explained, though I wouldn't tell him that I had to activate quests manually, I still only had the strength of an average human, I was confident of my healing abilities, but who knows what dangerous missions might occur.

But as I finished explaining the quest, ran out of stuff to talk about, and we sat in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before thankfully a notification went off in the Group Chat.


[System]: [Moon Dregs] has been added to the group.

[Moon Dregs]: Eh, did I stay up too late studying?


. End Chapter.

If you enjoyed the chapter leave a powerstone to motivate me and Orvar.

My Thoughts.

In the past, I had added every member to the group all at once, and it was quite the clusterfuck, by introducing them one by one, I could give them the attention they needed, as anyone in any similar situation would have a shitload of questions.

Rewritten by: Oslo

Edited by: Orvar

Send a powerstone to keep me and Orvar motivated

OsloTheUnkowncreators' thoughts