

  The room immediately plunged into darkness, her eyes not yet adjusting to the darkness before a black figure rushed forward and pinned her down on the big bed!

  In the darkness, she only heard his increasingly rapid gasps, while she was like a puddle of spring water, weakly entangled with him...

  She appeared at the accounting firm in a black professional suit the next morning.

  Sitting at her desk, Serena still feels a little weak in her hands and feet.

  Last night he was too excited and asked for it three times. If it weren't for setting the alarm clock today, she wouldn't be able to get up.

  The direct aftermath of last night's madness is a hazy and lethargic mind today. I must sleep well tonight and also make sure to hang the "do not disturb" sign.

  At this moment, Lia walked in and placed a cup of hot coffee in front of Serena.

  "Have a cup of coffee to wake up!" Lia leaned towards Serena's face with a smile.

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