

  Serena's face turned red in an instant when she was scolded, but trying to explain would only make things worse. She chose to stay silent and later came up with an excuse to escape to her office.

  Sitting at her desk, Serena felt that being misunderstood like this was not good, so in the afternoon, she sent a text message to Elliot saying that she had made plans with Lia and would be returning home later.

  As soon as Serena stepped into the apartment she shared with Lia, Lia smiled in surprise and said, "Wow, how did you manage to leave the capitalist behind and come back today?"

  "I miss you so much, come back and visit me," Serena chuckled.

  Lia crossed her arms in front of her chest and gave her a serious look, sizing her up from head to toe. "Do you miss me? I don't believe it. Tell me the truth, why did you come back?"

  Serena walked apologetically over to Lia and said, "I'm back to get my clean clothes and daily necessities."

Next chapter