
Chapter 48: Diner with an audience

Raven didn't feel like going out before the dinner. She decided to spend her day trying the food in the world, picking her wardrobe, and planning her next moves. She still needed to finish the set-up of her new home and come up with a PR plan to ensure her presence in City M would not be seen as strange.

When she finally caught up with everything in this world, she started to analyse the plot in the book, not wanting to be taken by surprise.

The deal with Lanhua was to be mediated by a third party. Even though their involvement was relatively minimal, it was significant for the book. In the story, which Dominic confirmed hasn't changed, this would be the first encounter between Rene and the female lead. At the negotiating table, he would fall madly in love with her, and begin pursuing her romantically.

She wanted to help him out of this story world, so of course she wouldn't do anything to jeopardise the plot and him following it, but a little voice in her head said she was a bit disappointed. He was a silly goofy man, but she knew there was more behind that mask of his. What she had seen the night she threatened him was the real Rene. Cold, calculated, and able to negotiate when his life was on the line. Raven decided it wasn't disappointment, but more sadness for the man who was trapped in this world, unable to be himself. She had experienced it first hand, and even if it was only briefly, she understood how hard and frustrating must be for him to have to live like this and hide his true self from the rest of this fantasy world; lest he become trapped forever.

6PM came and Liehen sent the details of the dinner to Blinky. It was an informal setting, thus only the two of them would be there. She preferred it that way. Fewer people that knew what she looked like, the better.

She began to get ready and decided on a casual outfit for the evening. There was no need to impress him or try to dominate this conversation. Across the business table sure, she might use a power outfit, but for this, she had every intention to relax and enjoy a casual conversation with Rene, they never seemed to have one of those and she was genuinely curious about the man.

Raven knew she would not disclose who she was, but somehow, she was hopeful he might show her a bit of who he was, even if he did think this was a business setting, with a stranger.

Five minutes before 7PM, Raven parked her baby Koenigsegg outside the restaurant, handing the keys to the valet. She walked in and immediately took in her surrounding and exits. 'Merde! Force of habit' she chided herself realising she was now fully analysing escape routes and potential dangers. 'It's just dinner Raven, not a bloody war situation.' Relaxing a little, she stepped in and her eyes zeroed in on the table he was sitting at.

She had opted for a white, loose, off the shoulder Kashmir sweater and black leather pencil skirt. Her sweater was tucked in at the front, flowing loosely at the back. The mid-length skirt was complimented by a pair of black mid heeled ankle boots, that made her look casual but not too relaxed. She had left her long hair loose and only applied a little make up to highlight her lips and a bit of mascara for her already long eyelashes. It was a casual dinner after all, a full face of make up was uncalled for. The white sweater served to highlight her white porcelain skin and bring out an air of nobility. Being in her own body was certainly easier. She felt more in control.

Rene was very easy to spot. Every single woman in the room was eyeing him, almost drooling. She informed the Maître D of her reservation, but before she could be led to their table she slowed down watching a very amusing scene. At a table next to them, a group of four women were blushing and stealing glances at Rene. One of them, probably the more braver one, was now walking up to him to strike up a conversation.

From the look of disinterest on his face, Raven had a very clear picture of how the conversation would go, but she didn't want to interrupt or help him out of this unfortunate encounter. She sighed thinking about the crazy woman in his life. She hated drama, but the show that woman was able to put on was pure comedy.

She couldn't hear the lines they exchanged, but it was brief and the woman walked away with a very disappointed look on her face, immediately gossiping with her friends. Raven was not surprised to see Rene unaffected. He was probably used to the attention whether he enjoyed it or not, that was a different story.

Walking over to the table, the Maître D indicated towards the chair and then gently and quickly excused herself to tend to her other guests.

"I see you are very popular President Li, it must be very hard." She smiled at him, gently, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Rene looked up at the woman speaking and he was taken aback. Even though his features hadn't changed, a glint of surprise and admiration briefly passed in his eyes.

The woman speaking to him was stunning. She was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever met, and he wasn't expecting her to be.

He immediately felt guilty for thinking that, Raven popping into his mind and scolding him for looking at another woman. He knew she probably could not care less, but the chibby version of Raven his mind had made up was now torturing him for daring to appreciate the beauty in front of him.

He smiled at her, and got up to shake hands and pull her chair for her.

"Miss Wagner, it's a pleasure to meet you." He replied to her remark in his cold, calculated business voice. He needed to keep a clear head.

She sat down, thanking him.

"I took the liberty of ordering us some light appetisers, your assistant has sent through your preferences. I've not ordered us any drinks yet, not sure whether you would prefer alcohol or not." He said very politely and business like.

Raven smiled at how considerate he was being without dropping the formalities.

She was giggling inside, hoping she could bait him into some silly situations she could tease him about later.

"Thank you President Li, I think a glass of red wine would be great for jetlag. Would prefer French if possible, but of course you can choose." She gave him her most dazzling smile and he looked lost for a second, before recovering and signalling for table service. He placed their order and now there was a bit of an uncomfortable silence.

Wanting to break the awkward atmosphere, Rene decided to start with small talk.

They briefly talked about her trip and the decision for her to arrive early. He was appreciating her dedication and professionalism. He also understood very well her need to keep away from prying eyes, she was a very wealthy woman afterall.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, she cut straight to the chase.

"Mr. Li, although we're not here to talk business, I do want to understand more about your vision and where you think this partnership is going. Tell me about your hopes and dreams." Raven was hoping a little bit of Rene would show. Perhaps the question would make him open up a bit about who he really was, even if he was only talking about this world.

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