
Chapter 2

"Goddess I'm home"

Bell said getting Hestia's attention. The young goddess jumped up taking clueless Bell into her embrace.


She screamed at top of her lungs.

While trying his best to stay still and not fall Bell patted her head with a soft smile.

It was already the usual ceremony for Bell to be greeted like that.

His goddess was rather cheerful and overprotective... every time he sat foot on exploring the dungeon she would pray for his well-being...but this always raised a question in his head...Is it possible for God to pray?

Feeling a bit more energetic than usual Hestia led him toward the kitchen.

"So, Bell~"


"What do you want to do first? Dinner? Bath? Or maybe...."

She got closer...close enough to make Bell blush with crimson colors.


"H-H-Huh??? Wh-What?"

Hestia grimaced at him.

"Nothing. Just joking~!"

With that said Bell decided to take bath first and then proceeded to eat dinner.

Feeling already full from eating I looked towards Goddess.

She calmly watched me eat while a soft smile was plastered on her face.

"Okay then, Bell, why don't we update your status?"

"Oh! I was about to ask that."

I took off my shirt while lying down on the sofa.

"Did something good happen, Bell?"

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Dunno...you seem more happy than usual."

Well she was right....one of the prettiest adventurers in Orario confessed to me.....tho I'm still uncertain of how to feel.

I briefly explained what happened in the dungeon (I decided to not tell Goddess that Aiz Wallenstein confessed to me....cuz... Dunno it feels kinda bad to brag about it to everyone.)

"Bell...." I saw that she was a bit angry, because of me going to the 5th-floor solo and meeting Minotaur who was supposed to be met on the 12-13th floors

(A/N: I forgot where they appeared...if you know I would be glad to see the corrected version.)

I was ready to hear scolding from the goddess..... however, it never happened.

She lightly patted my head.

"That's great that you're alive."

"Eh?" I was confused

"Well, you didn't die right?'


"But also one another question, Bell."

I could swear that the whole atmosphere had changed at that moment.

"Mind explaining who was the girl who saved you."

Huh? Goddess seems scary.

Not knowing what to say I decided to lie again.

"She saved me and I thanked her th-that's all...."

Goddess was staring daggers at me...I am sure that her gaze would be able to melt me as if ice were being melted by the sun.

"Well, then.....I shall believe you! After all no one would pick up girls in the dungeon, right?"

This time her expression changed into the one with a kind smile.


I said with mixed feelings...Gods are all-knowing beings.

After that, she proceeded to check on my status.


She said startled.






Name:Bell Cranel.


Strength:I 56---->H 123

Defense:H 132------>G 233

Speed:F 344----> E 433

Agility: G 223-----> D 557



Liaris Freese— •Rapid Growth,•Continued Desire results in continued growth,•Strong Desire results in stronger growth

Pheromone–•Charms any female despite her race or belonging,•The more girls fall in love the stronger the user becomes


Cold sweat ran down Hestia's cheeks such immense growth, ignoring the skills he got, was absurdly insane.

She knew that as long as this boy's feelings are strong he will grow... she knew about 'Liaris Freese' but something else surprised her....his charm now made him get stronger with any kind of interaction with women.

'Is he some kind of gigolo? This is absurd!'

With or without skills, he got Hestia to care for her only member of Familia....she was afraid of only one thing....and that was Bell's naiveness....she started to imagine him being deceived by every kind of woman and becoming a pet of any goddess.

Shaking off those thoughts she decided to hide both of his very uncommon skills.

Handing the paper to him Bell's eyes nearly jumped away from their initial place.


"I'm shocked even more than you are....with this kind of growth you will become Lv.2 in no time!"

Bell was happy...but at the same time didn't know how to react....what can you call this feeling?

Maybe it was a kind of happiness or maybe it was a kind of sadness or might was neither but one fact stood unchanging...Bell's growth was absurd.


A bright day as always.

People talking, kids playing and shops along with taverns bursting with clients flooding in.

At that very moment, Bell was heading toward the dungeon.

All female gazes at him, he was clueless, walking.

Yes, he intended to go to the dungeon but he also needed to make a report to Eina.

"Mmm, such a cutie~"

"Hey wanna come along with me, we will have a lot of fun~"

He was unaware of those stares however the whole aura didn't seem to be to his liking.

Going forward timidly and a bit scared he suddenly stopped... someone was pulling his sleeve.

"Umm excuse me, sir."

Bell timidly turned around to see who was calling for him.


The girl near him had silver-blue hair while wearing a green maid outfit she was staring at him curiously.

"Are you an adventurer?"

She asked the already timid boy rather a curious question.

"Yes...I was heading to the dungeon."

"I see....you dropped this."

She held up a monster core, the violet, and shining stone, and handed it to Bell.

"Huh? How did I drop it.....?"

He started to check, whether his bag was torn.

"Haha, this happens casually...Mister....umm..."

Bell smiled with his soft smile.

"Bell. Bell Cranel! It's Nice to meet you." Giving something similar to a salute he greeted the maid girl.

She chuckled thinking that it was cute.

Bell's pheromone's effect might have played the role here however something about him was also attractive to her...soul perhaps.

"My name is Syr. Nice meeting you as well."

"Thanks....ah well then I will be goi—!?"


The moment of silence.

Bell's stomach erupted rather a dreadful sound of a growl.

He just remembered that he ate nothing at all.

The girl stared at him for a whole moment...

"Ha...Hahahaha how cute!" She said out loud holding urges to hug this guy until the very end of her life.

"I...I am sorry!"

All red and flustered he said sweating buckets.

She grabbed Bell's hand.

"Then come in and eat something."

"Huh? I can't I should go to the dungeon... don't worry about me I will eat something on the way back from the dungeon."

"So you are saying that you will fight with an empty stomach? Risking your own life?"

"Ah...w-well I....sigh...you are right."

He looked down as a puppy who was left alone in the backstreets.

Syr was still 'aww'-ing in her mind.

She felt the unknown feeling in her heart....she wanted to embrace this defenseless Bunny...however now she can't...but maybe...Huh, that's right!

"Please wait here then."


Running away towards somewhere she came back with some kind of basket in her hands.

"Have this." She said handing him the Basket full of sandwiches inside of it.

He looked at it for a moment trying to put dots together. It was her lunch...he assumed.

"I c-can't take it, Miss Syr, it's your lunch—"

She placed her finger in between his lips shushing him.

"Don't make my kindness go to the waste got me?"

She was smiling... however, this smile seemed to be a smile of a villain who had nefarious plans.

Of course, Bell being naive didn't understand anything at all.


"Listen. I am not giving you this for free. Just promise me that you will come to this tavern tonight, K?"

"I...I don't know...just thinking that you will starve because of me is...."

"Oh? You are worried?"

She suddenly started to pinch his cheeks...they were surprisingly soft despite his thin body.

He was getting redder.

The whole thing ended with him blushing and finally going to the dungeon.

Syr smiled softly.

'Bell Cranel, right? I am waiting for you little rabbit.'

She softly looked forward in his direction.



The white arc pierced through Kobold's neck thrusting forward and slicing up slimes on his way.

'I need to get stronger'

I was in the good mood from morning however something seemed off.... some monsters didn't approach me while others were desperate to kill me.

I didn't know the exact reason for that but I just decided to do my job according to my instincts.

I sliced through Kobold while jumping up aimed at slime in my back, but...

It dodged my dagger while jumping upwards right towards me.

Crap! I don't have a way to dodge.

It is getting closer....what should I do?

There was no way I can avoid nor nullify the upcoming attack.

My thoughts mixed and balance completely off I was ready to get some serious injury.... however!?

Suddenly a huge club hit the slime Making it disappear.

The bunch of Kobolds started to beat the living hell out of slime until it disappeared into nothingness.

Are monsters attacking other monsters!? That is utterly impossible!

I was stunned while my butt was on the ground.

Looking towards them I felt my heart race.

By the look of it, these were female Kobolds...for some reason, they had pink ribbons on their heads.

They looked at me with a bit strange expressions. Their stares weren't one of the beasts who would attack you out of malice....they seemed like predators in a good way.

They looked at me with reddish cheeks.

The biggest of them, she was probably the leader of that swarm, stepped forward.

She dropped her wooden club and raised me as if I was a little kitten.

"Wh-What are you...."


She licked my face making it all wet from her saliva.....the Kobolds in her back started to growl as if... fighting for me?

Than another...Lick.

One by one they started to lick me up from head to toe.

"Hahaha...s-stop...it tickles! Ahahaha!"

As if dogs attached to their owner they wanted me to pat them.

"Why you are not attacking me?"

They tilted their heads sideways.

"I m-mean I'm a human and am your enemy...."

They looked at each other for a good minute until....they started to laugh.

"Wahahaha" growling laughter...it was similar to Dog's bark.

They laughed but they stopped at some point.

They got forward with their faces still red.

Their leader extended her hand raising me and licking me again.

She pointed her finger at herself and then back at me...and then she shaped a heart sign with her hands.


The heart sign...Th-They love me!?

They smiled before once again standing up and going back to the dark area within the dungeon.

I was stunned and shaken....it was....a crazy dungeon raid."


Feeling all exhausted he sighed to himself while passing the main street.

The Labyrinth city Orario was truly the center of the world.

Looking up and seeing the white tower pierce the sky he was still thinking about the reason why those female Kobolds saved him.

Feeling that it was meaningless to think about something that he won't understand he gave up trying to figure it out.

Looking up he saw a tavern with the name 'Benevolent Mistress'.

"I think it is the right place."

He said wanting to enter.

"Hey~! Cutie, you all alone tonight?"

"Aww look at this defenseless lil rabbit...Can I take a bite..or two?"

He saw two women adventurers who were drunk from all booze and ale they gulped in.... however, one look at Bell made them sober up.

Both of them were Amazonians meaning that it was....well it was...sigh...Bell was doomed.

Out of all races Amazonians had the hugest sex drive and when they saw a fitted man for them they gave up on their emotions....they would devour their prey.

And Bell with his pheromone skills made their, already huge sex drive, even more intense. They could do him anywhere and anytime... and applying that they are drunk.....

"Come on lil boy I will show you how this is done."

"Wait if you want we can do it here."

"H-H-Huh!? Please let me go."

He was already all red and flustered.

Girls didn't listen to him as were dragging him to the back of the bar.

'Why do I always end up in questionable situations!?' he thought to himself.

These Amazonians were strong... assumingly Lv. 2....there was no way that he could get out of there alive but.....

"I would politely ask you to refrain from making this boy do anything against his will."

The blonde-haired girl with pointy ears....she was an elf.

She was staring at those Amazonians as if seeing insects on the road.

Her aura was menacing to an extent of unknown origins.

Bell's sweat dropped seeing her.... assuming from her aura she was stronger than these Lv 2 adventurers combined....maybe she was someone with Lv 3...no even Lv. 4?

Next chapter