
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Rating Game (Part 2)

In the observation room, three Satans were present, the only one missing being Serafall Leviathan. Serafall is the referee of the rating game so she has to be inside the dimension in which the rating game is taking place.

The 3 Satans watched as Oemitsu's family massacred Gragg Forneus's peerage in cold blood. Out of the 15 members of his peerage, 12 were already out of the game. 11 killed and the other one barely alive.

"That brat is going to kill my son! I need to stop him!"

Lord Forneus, Gragg Forneus's father said in a loud tone as he got up.

"You will do no such thing. Your son agreed to the Rating game, he knew the risks. A Rating Game can only be stopped under extreme circumstances."

Sirzechs told him as he calmly drank the cup of tea that Grayfia had prepared him in advance.

"Your bastard has already killed 11 pieces that belong to my son and the other one is barely alive. He is going to kill my son next and if you think that I am gonna stand by and watch, then you are an incompetent leader!"

Lord Forneus exclaimed before turning around and heading towards the exit.

"It is against the rules to stop an official Rating Game, you will lose your status if you try."

However, Ajuka Beelzebub's word stopped the fuming Lord of the House Forneus from exiting the room.

"When was the last time that somebody died in a Rating Game?! 50 years ago?! Now a brat comes in and kills without mercy and you stand by watching?!"

Lord Forneus, in a fit of anger, released his demonic power as he turned to look at Sirzechs.

"He is not doing anything against the rules. Killing is an accepted way to fight a Rating Game... I will say this only one more time. Stop this rating match and I will make sure that your house is erased."

In front of such a daring action, Sirzechs simply got up and released his great demonic power that towered over Lord Forneus's.

Lord forneus was almost forced to kneel by the sheer strength of Sirzechs' demonic power. Against his will, he sat down quietly on his chair. He liked his son, but he was not worth destroying their house over. He can always make another one if it comes down to that.

"Since Lord Forneus calmed down, it is time for me to raise the question that is bothering me... how did Oemitsu's peerage got so strong? Their opponents are all High-Class in strength and his peerage is dealing with them easily, as if they aren't even worthy of their time."

Ajuka inquired to everyone in the room as he looked at Oemitsu with interest. If Oemitsu peerage's method of becoming stronger could be replicated, then this could be a revolutionary finding.

"I was expecting that you had an idea about that. You are the smartest Devil alive... can you think of a way in which Oemitsu got his family so powerful in a matter of days?"

Sirzechs inquired before taking a sip of his tea.

"It is hard to say. There are a lot of ways to get instant power, but they always come with a price."

Ajuka said in a heavy voice.

"Are you saying that my son is in danger?"

Grayfia asked, worried about her son while her other son, Akihiko, watched while gripping his fists.

"It is impossible to determine... I need to do a full examination on Oemitsu's body but I highly doubt that I will get his permission."

Ajuka reclined his back on the chair.

"How strong do you think they are? His mysterious peerage..."

Sirzechs placed his hand on his chin. Oemitsu and his peerage is one of the greatest mysteries to him.

"Hard to say, they have massacred their opponents. Their control over their strength is amazing, they are fighting while revealing as little as possible. They are also using some kind of energy that I can't recognise... it looks like Senjustu, but at the same time it has a different feeling. There is also that black energy that the short haired girl used to protect her stomach, she received an attack from a High-Class Devil and took no damage."

Ajuka's interest for Oemitsu's peerage is growing by the second.

"I agree... I would place them around Ultimate-Class in strength, with some exceptions. That boy with black sunglasses is way stronger than what he looks. He defeated those rooks without sweating."

Sirzechs deducted.

"There is also that girl with the knifes, she is fast. Her opponent was a descendant of a velociraptor and yet she didn't move but followed every single movement he made with her eyes. This does raise another question... just how strong is Oemitsu?"

Ajuka's question made Sirzechs turn to him with a frown.

"What makes you think that Oemitsu is stronger than his peerage members? His mother taught him Ice Magic but his talent is one of the lowest to ever be recorded in our race."

Sirzechs will always think of Oemitsu as someone who is worthless of being called Devil.

"Is it though? You mentioned that his mother taught him Ice Magic, how good was he?"

Ajuka asked as he turned to Grayfia.

"He was talented, extremely so. He would learn anything that I taught him in a question of days."

Grayfia said with a smile while remembering the times where she taught Oemitsu, it may have been a few weeks ago, but she missed those days.

"It all makes sense now. Your sons are two sides of the same coin."

Ajuka said as he facepalmed.

"What do you mean by that?"

Sirzechs, confused, inquired.

"While your eldest son was gifted with the Power of Destruction, his brother was gifted with the ancient Power of the Lucifuge. That is why one of them has red hair of the Gemory, while the other one has white hair of the Lucifuge."

When Sirzechs realized that, he got surprised.

"We made a huge mistake. If what you said is true... then how strong is Oemitsu? "

"I didn't teach him everything about my clan's magic. I only taught him the basics."

Grayfia told them.

"The basics are more than enough. You son is a genius, he probably created his own spells instead of learning your clans. His true power is hard to estimate, but I would put him in at least Satan-Class."

Ajuka's words made Sirzechs shale his head.

"That high? Aren't you overestimating his strength? I would put him in something like ultimate class. The ancient magic of the Lucifuge is not that big of a threat."

Grayfia rolled her eyes when she heard this. This magic gave him a run for his money in the civil war, but apparently his memory is short.

"I designed the Devil Pieces and I know perfectly that the King needs to be stronger than the subjects or else he is going to spend a lot of pieces in his peerage. Besides you cannot keep a peerage together if your pieces are stronger than the one in charge. There are a lot of things that make Oemitsu a threat, the biggest one of them is his will to do anything to achieve his goals. Watch... ever since this game started Oemitsu hasn't move a single muscle, he is trying to hide his strength, making it impossible for someone to guess his true power level."

Ajuka easily analized Oemitsu's objective.

"Hmmm... It looks like Gragg Forneus'S last knight is closing in on Oemitsu. I honestly hope that Serafall stops Oemitsu from killing Gragg Forneus or else I will have a lot of paperwork."

Sirzechs said as he turned everyone's attention to the TV.




Meanwhile, Oemitsu is looking at the field with a bored expression.

The Rating Game was supposed to be an hour long, but this is going to end in fifteen minutes. Petting his sister in the head is the only thing that he can do to pass time.

A small curtain of dust was getting close to his location. Oemitsu glanced in the direction of the dust, only to see a humanoid cheetah.

The glance lasted two seconds before he lost interest.

"So how do you want to do this? I can kill you like you did with my comrades or you can save me some time and surrender."

Oemitsu ignored him and so did his sister, he simple rested his head on top of his fist and closed his eye. Shiro rested her head on his chest and fell asleep.

"Have it your way then."

The cheetah said out loud as he dashed towards Oemitsu only to be stopped by an angel like creature of snow.

"I won't let you touch the King."

The cheetah dashed toward the green haired woman and clawed her in half, only for the two parts to disappear into the snow.


Monet appeared behind the cheetah and snow soon covered the entire environment. The snow engulfed both of them and created snow walls, trapping the cheetah inside.

The cheetah tried to break the walls, but each time he broke one, another one would replace it. Soon enough, 10 Layers of snow walls were built around them.

The cheetah slowly lost more and more strength as he tried to attack Monet's clones that popped up from time to time.

"Don't get so hot."

Monet whispered as she showed up right behind him, scaring the cheetah.

"The smartest one are the ones that always win the fights. It is useless to have all that strength if you don't know what to do with it."

Monet said out loud as she hugged the cheetah, hearing its teeth bang into each other made her laugh.

His resistance is useless, his end is already set in stone.

"Don't struggle, let yourself go. You can't push me away, you lack the strength."

Monet whispered as the cheetah's struggle decreased with each word she whispered before his hands feel down. She released him as she watched the humanoid creature fall onto the snowy ground barely breathing.

Green light slowly surrounded the created before it completely dissipated.

"It is done, my King."

Monet said out loud as the snow walls were brought down, revealing that her opponent is nowhere to be seen.