
Chaos Unrestrained

I have currently paused Chaos Unrestrained as to focus on my other book .... Realm Sovereign Please support by adding Realm Sovereign to your Library . Also comments, reviews and power stones are a great welcome. Before I forget, check on my other book... HEAVENS CLAN.... (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)please add to library There I lay,a husk of a human my skin pale white and the remaining few strands of hair on my long turned bald head were all grey. Everyone was waiting, waiting for me to breathe my last. Nobody spoke but I could tell from their faces and heartbeats that they were in pain.Pain of loosing there last hope... That's me...the greatest magician of the Evergreen Continent.. I feebly turned and met gaze with my disciples and using telepathy, I spoke my last words to them.... "I feel it,I only have seconds left....to you all I leave my blessings and legacy. I may have failed to accompany you to your journeys end...but I did teach you well...take care of Evergreen for me..." And whith that I breathed my last... Only to be later woken up by a splash of ice cold water on my face.

Fer_Desz · Urban
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3 Chs

"Lucky Bastard.....



"One of this days am gonna teach you a lesson,just you wait and see..."

"Uuuuhhhh!!! My little Junior Brother, aren't tired of repeating the same old clingy line,two hundred years have passed since you transverse,but here you are....a mere peak realm cultivator...."


"Dis me all you want for this is your time but...."

"But what???"

"Ohhh! Junior Brother am to scared,please don't hurt me....


Jiu was about to retort when a cold hoarse voice that filled one with chills shouted. A voice that he dreaded hearing since childhood,the voice of his second uncle.


The two brothers quickly went down on their knees with their head lowered not wanting to meet their second uncle's gaze. In their clan,he was feared by all.Feared more than the clan's third tier overseer for he was in charge of the mission hall. And being on his wrong side ment being issued mission quite above one's undertaking.

And since Jiu and his big brother,Miu Chovyo, could remember, this second uncle of theirs had no good side. He didn't spare even his seven sons,not even his only daughter who had a higher cultivaton compared to both Jiu Chovyo and Miu Chovyo.

"Both of you should be ashamed,why fight among yourselves when the Lang Bandits are out there plandering our eastern border territories..."

The Jiu brother's faces contracted as they heard his words,they held their breath as they prayed to lady luck for him not to utter the next words...

But today it seemed that lady was out.

"At dusk,you,Jiu are to head out and clear those f*ng bandits from our territory."

Jiu almost puked a barrel of blood,a his brother sniffled at his bad misfortune. It was as if a huge bomb had gone off in his mind as his eyes turned red from shock and his heart constricted in disbelief.

"WHY ME!!!" Was the only question ringing in his mind...

Jiu was cursing mentally for his misfortune.If he had known early,that such would happen when his brother came knocking at his doors to mess him up,he would had run with his tail tucked between his legs

The Lang Bandits were not to be truffled with. All were rouge cultivators with most of them being his level and quite a good number of them in the stone realm cultivaton stage. He wasn't afraid that he couldn't beat them in a one verse one fight,he was afraid of their numbers.

Those idiots travelled and plundered in squads of seven. With six of them being realm stage cultivators and their squad leader either a peak realm stage cultivators, which was rare for most were stone realm stage cultivators.

"And you Miu Chovyo,prepare for in three days time,you and the triplets shall head out to the ranging volcanoes of Zelda to gather ten thousand lava crystals."

Now it was Jiu's turn to sniffle...the ranging volcanoes of Zelda were located in the Southern Hemisphere. The Hemisphere belonging to this realms initial inhabitants who were not only hostile to the transversers of the Northern Hemisphere but also their hunters.

The Southerners hunted and ate all the Northerners for their cultivaton helped them advance. If it were not for the barrier between hemispheres that prevented their crossing,the Northerners would have been part of history.

"Ten thousand lava crystals" Jiu exclaimed in his mind. That was quite a big number.Lava crystals were not like the energy crystals that could be found at a single place in large numbers. Actually in a single volcano,one could only gather about a hundred of them per day as they were respawned once a day after being picked. So for ten thousand of them, that ment more days spent hiding from the Southerners.

For Northerners to,it wasn't impossible for them to cross the barrier. The price one had to pay was the reason why no Northerner wanted to venture into the South.For apart from being hunted down,one lost two stages of their cultivaton.

Jiu could see the sweat on his brother's forehead from the corner of his eye.


"I don't have to remind you the price of failure" their second uncle said glaring at them.


They both replied as they held back their mental curses for they knew that with their uncle's cultivaton,he could easily read they mind if he wished.

"Now stand." he ordered.

As Jiu was about to stand, his soul shook as a portal opened in front of him and sucked him in.

It didn't take the remaining two that long to understand what just took place.

"Lucky bastard, finally you get a chance to advance." said the second uncle before he vanished, leaving behind a grieving Miu Chovyo,who dropped on his as if dead as his face paled.

Though they were brothers, Miu was always jealous of Jiu for he knew he was no match for Jiu interms of cultivaton and growing up as the elder brother,he always felt overshadowed by Jiu for he was always miles in front of him in everything but things turned for the best for him when he broke through to the realm cultivaton stage and transversed from their two tier realm to the current three tier realm only to find his brother stuck at peak realm stage cultivation.It took him just sixty-two years to bypass him and breakthrough to stone realm cultivaton stage and through vigorous cultivaton and tonnes of resources,he had advanced to higher stone realm cultivaton stage.

All this time he knew that if ever his brother found an inheritor of his legacy in their prior realm,his cultivaton would skyrocket all the way to peak bronze realm stage cultivation.

What took him decades to achieve would be achieved in just a single shot by his younger brother. The shadow in his heart was awakened, he had suppressed it by continuously bullying Jiu and now...it awoke and shone brighter than ever.

I have currently paused Chaos Unrestrained as to focus on my other move ....

Realm Sovereign

Please support by adding Realm Sovereign to your Library .

Also comments, reviews and power stones are a great welcome.

Before I forget, check on my other book...


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