

At the beginning of time there was only me. A void. A being that represented nothingness. I was content existing like this, after all I had no need for company. I had no ambitions, simply, nothing. However it was when I came to this realization that another being appeared, Gaia. I had no part in her creation, it seemed as if she simply willed herself into existence just as I had. After her several more followed. Uranus, Tartarus, Nyx, and Erebos all came shortly after.

They all had ambition, a hunger to create something. I had none. I was content existing here in my nothingness for all of eternity. So they created a world. Its contents I do not yet know. Before falling asleep again as I had been before, Gaia made me promise that when I woke up next I would go and see the world she and her companions had created. As the first entity she talked to she wanted me to be able to experience her world at least once. I obliged her as I was getting used to her presence, even though it had only been a short period of time.

After that they traveled to their new world. I remained above in my nothingness, content and asleep. I will be honest when I say I had no intention of visiting Gaia's "Earth". I was comfortable in the void I was created from, living out my existence as nothing. Thinking of nothing, doing nothing.

It was eons and eons later after my final talk with Gaia that I woke up again. To me the passage of time felt like nothing, time did not affect me at all. Therefore, I don't know how long it took me to wake. When I did stir, however, I saw a little planet in front of me. It was a deep blue, with large spots of green on it. It interested me, seeing the "Earth" Gaia had made. I can not remember the last time I was interested in such things.

Begrudgingly, I decided to visit this world as Gaia had asked me to. I decided to passively look at the creation first, to see if there are any other entities like me on it and if I'd be able to use my current form or have to adapt to a new body. My form currently is about ten times the size of it, sadly it seems I will have to get used to a smaller figure.

As for similar beings to me, there are a few that seem to be similar in power to me but they are much weaker. The majority of them seem to have no power at all, which I found peculiar.

I decided to chose a weaker form. After all, I would only be traveling there to see their creations, possibly seeing Gaia, and leaving. Speaking of Gaia, she did not seem to be on the planet's surface like most of the other beings. However I could detect her underneath it. It seems as if she makes up the core of the planet, which would explain how it's alive in such a way.

As I said before, I decided on a weaker form. I made the circumstances of my birth entirely random and used metal rings to limit my powers. The more rings I took off, the more power I would be able to access. I made sure they'd grow with my new form and be able to not be seen unless I will them to. The only downside to them is if I took them all off my body would be vaporized instantly from the sheer force of power, which is rather troublesome.

I promised myself that I would not use these rings unless I absolutely have to. More power might attract unwanted attention after all. As a final fail safe I made a locket with the same properties as the rings. It could not be seen or felt and if taken off, would revert me back to my original form. I would probably be able to concentrate my power into a smaller shape, similar to the one I am reincarnating with.

I left it up to my subconscious to fully flesh out the details, I did not care anyways.

I finished my small preparations and was now ready to start.

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