
Chapter 84 – What about me?

Yukio actually agreeing with Katsuragi left Ichinose and Horikita somewhat confused, momentarily unsure how to proceed with the meeting.

Class C was there playing games, and while Shiina didn't play, she sat beside Yukio, blankly watching. Occasionally, Yukio would let Shiina take over the phone to give it a try herself.

Katsuragi, as usual, was resting with his class members, oblivious to the outside world.

Ichinose took the lead, followed by curiosity: "I can't believe it. Katsuragi maintaining silence because their class firmly holds the top position, naturally they're happy to maintain the status quo."

"But Yukio-kun, if you find one preferential treatment student from another class, you could completely surpass our class and rise to Class B. I can't believe you'd do nothing, just aiming to earn those 1.5 million private points."

Yukio multitasking, teaching Shiina how to control her character in the game while responding to Ichinose: "Maybe it's because the uninhabited island special exam was too taxing. Anyway, I'm currently not in the mood to join discussions or search for logical loopholes to find the preferential treatment student."

This remark made Ryuen almost burst into laughter, while the rest wore expressions of disbelief. C Class claiming the uninhabited island special exam was tiring? Could anyone actually say that? Their time was filled with fun activities like jet skiing, and after two days, they simply returned to the cruise ship without any fatigue.

They had endured a tough week on the uninhabited island, only for Class C to reap the greatest benefits, while they faced various losses.

Facing Yukio's comment, Ichinose was at a loss for words, just staring at him, planning to see through whatever plan he had. She wouldn't believe that Yukio would just idly pass the preferential treatment special exam, having been deceived by him once before.

During the uninhabited island special exam, Yukio claimed he had no interest and wanted to enjoy the summer vacation, aiming only for the leader selection reward.

And the result? Class C made a killing, securing the first place and pushing the other three classes down! So, this time, Ichinose refused to believe anything Yukio said.

Even if Ichinose and Horikita racked their brains, trying various methods and even performing a double act without needing to communicate, all they got was Katsuragi's silence or Yukio's dismissive remarks.

Yukio deliberately misled them, making them believe that finding the preferential treatment student could only be done through meeting discussions or verbal slip-ups, preventing them from shifting their thinking towards the secrets hidden in the grouping list.

Faced with the impasse of the other two classes, not knowing what else to say or do, the situation escalated to Horikita being visibly anxious and unable to engage, desperately searching for topics with no one paying attention to her.

Ichinose and Kushida were chatting, Kanzaki and Hirata were having their conversation, and the rest were just bored, spending the hour as the designated discussion time ended. Yukio stretched lazily and was the first to leave this stifling space.

Perhaps due to Katsuragi's arrangement, all students struggled to engage in discussion. Once the time was up, the second-floor corridor was suddenly flooded with many students, seemingly eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere of the meeting rooms.

However numerous the students, they instinctively made way for Yukio, allowing him to pass through easily. It was only after they walked away that Kushida's distinctive, somewhat anxious call could be heard: "Yukio-kun, please, wait a moment!"

Yukio was surprised, wondering why Kushida, this two-faced person, was approaching him again. Hasn't it been said, "nothing good happens after the third time"? Is she really seeking a beyond-the-third encounter?

Kushida, catching up to them, wasn't as composed, her fair forehead dotted with a thin layer of sweat from the run in the summer heat, indicating her effort.

With Ryuen and Shiina present, Yukio couldn't outright dismiss her, opting to wait until Kushida approached to see what this two-faced individual intended to say.

Catching her breath, Kushida put on her sweetest smile: "Um, Yukio-kun, I have something I'd like to discuss with you privately, if that's okay? It's about the preferential treatment student in the Dragon group."

Seemingly afraid of being rejected, Kushida deliberately emphasized the importance of the matter concerning the Dragon group's preferential treatment student.

Yukio was intrigued, while Shiina looked sullenly at Kushida, as if she were some big villain, thinking to herself that Ibuki was right, whether it's Ichinose or Kushida.

Such seemingly pure girls have darkness lurking within. At least now, Shiina found Kushida quite bothersome. Why the need for a private talk? This girl is problematic.

Ryuen gave Yukio a knowing look, as if to say he understood how Yukio planned to investigate the preferential treatment student from other classes, hinting at a "beauty trap."

Yukio responded with a frustrated expression, as if to say, "You don't know anything; this is purely the charm of my personality."

Amidst their silent communication, one's displeasure, and the other's misunderstanding, Kushida felt somewhat out of her depth but continued to extend her invitation: "Yukio-kun, what do you say…?"

"Then follow me," Yukio agreed to talk, his casual response causing Kushida's heart to flutter!

The night after the deserted island special exam ended, Kushida had heard Yukio utter similar words, urging her to follow him, which led to yet another daring adventure... Kushida rubbed her head, restraining herself from thinking about those mischievous events! She diligently followed Yukio.

Shiina opened her mouth slightly, intending to say something, but eventually, she quietly closed it and remained silent. She understood that it was rare for an outsider like Kushida to provide crucial information.

Now was the most critical time for their class C to pass the preferential treatment test. Shiina knew Yukio disliked being disturbed while handling serious matters.

She couldn't interrupt Yukio. With this realization, Shiina's expression became somewhat melancholy, and without saying anything to Ryuen, she left directly.

"Alright, now you can speak." Yukio led Kushida back to his single room, getting straight to the point.

Kushida frowned slightly, initially thinking Yukio would take her to a café or another little shop, but unexpectedly, they ended up in his room.

But then she thought if she was already prepared to go out, even willing to sacrifice her most precious thing, what else was there to hesitate about?

Thus, Kushida clenched her fists and looked into Yukio's eyes earnestly: "Do you remember my proposal? If Yukio-kun agrees to my condition, making Horikita leave school and keeping my secret,"

"Then I can tell you who the preferential treatment student in class D is this time. You can trust me completely, the students in class D trust me a lot, and one of the preferential treatment students specifically sought me out for comfort."

"It's because of this that I learned they are a preferential treatment student. If Yukio-kun thinks this is a trick, deliberately leading you to make an early wrong guess, then I can enter into a private contract with you to ensure the authenticity of this information!"

"Heh, you're really obsessed with Horikita." Yukio laughed.

To get Horikita expelled, Kushida had already approached Yukio twice, and counting this time, it was the third. Yukio wondered what exactly had made Kushida so fixated.

However, information on the preferential treatment student of the Dragon group was indeed something Yukio truly desired. If he could obtain it, it would mean a complete victory for class C, taking all the winnings.

Internally interested, yet outwardly indifferent to the information Kushida offered: "But the value isn't enough."

"Just the identity of one preferential treatment student in exchange for my full effort to expel Horikita? And to keep your secret? It doesn't seem equivalent."

"Expelling Horikita would cost our class a significant amount of resources, and keeping your secret would mean giving up a powerful weapon against class D. It's not worth it, no matter how you calculate it."

Kushida, with a determined face, seemed to have anticipated Yukio's dissatisfaction with the offer: "Then, what if you add me to the equation?"


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