
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

Master_MoJo · Action
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18 Chs


Later, the four heroes meet King Edmund in the castle's great hall with the knights of the roundtable standing firmly in respect. Kyle, Tina, Zhane, and Margaret. Camelot is forever in debt to you. Your heart and bravery are praised with the highest regards. That's why I present to you the Medal of Champions. Margaret, I am glad you are the royal magician and your grandfather Merlin would be proud. Zhane, even though you joined for selfish reasons, you rectified your unjust actions and proved yourself worthy of being a true knight of Camelot. Really!? Asked Zhane. Really. I hereby dub you, Sir Zhane.

Thank you, your majesty, I'm honored. And you, Kyle and Tina. I apologize for my rude attitude when we first met. I ask that you find it in your heart to forgive this king. No problem, said Kyle. Hey, you were protecting your kingdom, any ruler would do that, said Tina. For returning Excalibur and saving the city. You two are now honorary knights of Camelot, and your names will be cemented in the city's history. Wow, me as a knight? This is a dream come true, said Kyle. King Edmund, Zhane addressed. What is it, Zhane? With your permission, I would like to join Kyle and Tina on their adventures. They taught me the value of teamwork and what being a friend means, and I wish to learn more from them. If that is what you wish, then you have my blessing. Alright! The duo has become a trio, screamed Tina. Margaret, do you want to join us? Kyle asked. Thanks, but I want to improve my magic to where I surpass Grandpa Merlin, so I'm gonna stay. I understand, but let's keep in touch, alright? Deal.

Now let us cherish this moment and show our gratitude! King Edmund exclaimed. The four stood tall with their heads held high as the people of Camelot were forever grateful to the Heroes of Camelot. As the adventure continues.

Look forward to the next adventure in Escapade in El Dorado.