
Alligned Goals.

The leader's gaze flicked across Ryan's face for a fleeting moment. A grimace flashed across his features before he scrubbed his hand over his face, fatigue etched into the gesture. He lumbered past Ryan, the floorboards groaning faintly beneath his weight, and slumped into his chair with a sigh that seemed to echo in the room.

Without a word, he reached for the bottle of whiskey Ryan had left on the table. The amber liquid glinted in the dim light as he poured a generous amount into a glass. He threw back the drink in one smooth motion, a grimace contorting his face as the liquor burned a path down his throat.

Slamming the glass down on the desk, the leader finally met Ryan's eyes. "Why return?" he rasped, his voice gravelly. "You could have been long gone, basking in freedom. Why come back here?"

"What I want can only be gotten from this place," Ryan replied simply, moving to the front of the desk and taking a seat on one of the chairs.

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