1 Prologue: Where Am I?

Silence. Darkness. Exhaustion. Cold. Loneliness. Confusion.

These were the things that I experienced as I drifted through an empty void.

I don't know how long I've been floating in this darkness, but something tells me that it's been awhile.

I want to call out for someone to help me, but I had a feeling no one would hear me.

That thought alone made me not try.

If there's others here, are they scared too?

Do they think they're alone?

It's not like it matters anyway, it's too dark to even guess.

Maybe I'm dead.

Is this what death feels like?



…..I suppose it's not so bad.

I'm not in pain.

I'm not hungry.

I'm scarily almost zen.

I suppose most people would go mad at the thought of being in darkness and alone for eternity.

Maybe I will too...

At least I have my thoughts to occupy me.

.....I think I took a nap?

I can't tell.

Call me crazy but I think the darkness got even darker.

Scary almost.

What did I do to deserve this?




Whatever I did there's nothing I can do but say I'm sorry to whatever or whoever is listening for whatever I did.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm so-

Next chapter