

In a room were people inside strange glass boxes with a strange liquid and wires connected to it,they all looked like they were asleep. One of them suddenly woke up,she looked confused and held her head as she tried to open her eyes she looked around the room and once she saw everything it was like she recalled something scary as she tried to hit the glass but it was really hard.As she did so she saw red lights flashing and knew she was done for. The door to the room opened and two men in white coats walked in as one of them pressed a few buttons on the glass and increased the voltage from 50 to 70 and then the girl blacked out as she was electrocuted. "Subject 001 has become more dangerous".one of the men said as they stared at her inside the box,if it wasn't for the situation she looked really beautiful. "They've asked that we watch her carefully or else there will be a repeat of the same situation".The other man replied suddenly cracks began showing on the glass as the girl opened her eyes and smiled slowly at them,they nervously tried to increase the voltage to 100 but even after doing so she still kept on her cold smile. They tried to run as the glass broke and the strange liquid gushed out,they slipped on the liquid as she walked out of the box. Red lights began flashing in the room with a robotic voice sounding everywhere in the building. "Warning! Warning! subject 001 has escaped"

Coco_Belladonna · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


Once their cards became dust they all began taking off their mask as Hades and his team reintroduced themselves with their real names.

"Am Nicholas, that's Scarlet,Vincent, Tiffany and Kyra"Hades said as he pointed to each of them but when he got to Kyra he raised an eyebrow as he watched Jacob and Kyra (Seer) stare at each other staring at each other.

"Kyra!Kyra"Tiffany(Duchess) called out in a whisper while pushing Kyra arm with her finger and then Kyra snapped out of it.

"Why is she still Scarlet you didn't introduce her by her real name".Lucas said as he kept staring at Scarlets face

"That's her name".Hades replied coldly while Lucas kept staring at Scarlet

"Seriously what the heck is going on,instead of you all to keep staring at each other like a pair of lovers please go get a room after this meeting".Vincent(Virus) said

"Am actually enjoying this"Duchess said as she laughed

Kyra began feeling like her heart would burst out of her chest right at this moment,she couldn't think straight anymore she could only see Lucas moving his mouth but couldn't hear a thing, she suddenly felt abit of pain on her arm.

"The lady that was killed yesterday was late mrs julie pete was the wife of the famous actor Christopher pete,she was murdered in the presidential suite of Royale Tulips Hotels,she was stabbed thrice on her stomach".Lucas said as he picked a remote control on the table and a picture was displayed on the screen.

The picture was of a beautiful lady in a blue off the shoulder dress,with her blonde hair scattered and covering abit of her face.the picture would have been breath taking if not for the fact that she was lying in the pool of her own blood.

"On all the murders these past few weeks there was always something similar"Jacob said as Lucas changed the picture

"Like a pattern"Kyra said

"Yes"Jacob replied as he smiled

"There's always a black envelope with a read seal close to the bodies and also a scorch mark of your emblem was found on the body of the victims" Lucas said

"Where is her body".Kyra asked after staring at the picture in a daze

"In the morgue".Lucas replied

"i want to see it"Kyra said

"Sure"Lucas said as he smiled

"I'll take her there"Jacob quickly said

"I think we should all go see the body"Nicholas said as he stood up

"Sure"Lucas replied as they all stood up while Nicholas just kept watching Jacob and Kyra.