

In a room were people inside strange glass boxes with a strange liquid and wires connected to it,they all looked like they were asleep. One of them suddenly woke up,she looked confused and held her head as she tried to open her eyes she looked around the room and once she saw everything it was like she recalled something scary as she tried to hit the glass but it was really hard.As she did so she saw red lights flashing and knew she was done for. The door to the room opened and two men in white coats walked in as one of them pressed a few buttons on the glass and increased the voltage from 50 to 70 and then the girl blacked out as she was electrocuted. "Subject 001 has become more dangerous".one of the men said as they stared at her inside the box,if it wasn't for the situation she looked really beautiful. "They've asked that we watch her carefully or else there will be a repeat of the same situation".The other man replied suddenly cracks began showing on the glass as the girl opened her eyes and smiled slowly at them,they nervously tried to increase the voltage to 100 but even after doing so she still kept on her cold smile. They tried to run as the glass broke and the strange liquid gushed out,they slipped on the liquid as she walked out of the box. Red lights began flashing in the room with a robotic voice sounding everywhere in the building. "Warning! Warning! subject 001 has escaped"

Coco_Belladonna · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


"What do you mean people from the SSA are coming to assist in the investigation".Jacob asked as he seemed abit pissed

"That is the news i got from the higher ups".Lucas said as he sat down on the chair

"So what's the meaning of their assistance".Jacob asked as he also sat down

"Maybe both organizations are collaborating".Lucas said as he smiled "You know Jacob in this Organization we only do what were told to do,were not supposed to think".

"And why are you suddenly following orders"Jacob asked

"Am trying to become a changed man"Lucas said

"Changed man my ass"Jacob said as he laughed angrily

"Can the both of you stop arguing like a couple?"A female voice sounded, she was a beautiful girl with blonde hair

"Ivana i tell you that Lucas is crazy"Jacob said

"Oh my!Damien when did you get here".

"I've been sitting down here for hours watching the both of you argue".A guy who had black hair and was putting on glasses spoke,he was holding a bag of popcorn and was eating it while he stared at both of them like he was watching a movie.

"Why are you so sensitive today".Ivana asked

"Well he hasn't spoken to his online girlfriend today"Lucas teased

"Were not dating....yet"Jacob said

"So when was the last time both of you spoke"Damien asked

"30 minutes ago".Jacob said as he held his heart and looked sad "Oh no i think it's been 40 minutes"suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket and he brought it out as he smiled happily,suddenly he put his phone in his pocket as he seemed sad again.

"What's it this time?"Lucas asked

"She said she's working"Jacob said as he kept staring at his shoes

"You guys haven't known each other for that long and your so in love you can't last an hour without her".Lucas said "What's wrong with you".

"I don't know,ever since i saw her for the first time it felt like I've known her for decades"Jacob said

"Saw her picture you mean"Lucas said as he pointed at Jacob and shook his head

"Shut up Lucas".Jacob said

"Can you do this some other time?alone?"Ivana asked

Suddenly there was a beeping sound coming from the door.

"There here"Damien said as they all put on mask on their faces.They weren't supposed to reveal their identities to each other until they were sure they could trust each other.

The SSA and STF had been in a war since both organizations were created.Once they were done covering up their faces Lucas pressed a button on the table and the door opened.

"I don't ca...."Jacob said still looking sad

Scarlet and the rest of the team walked,they were all putting on black clothes with a mask on the face.Once he turned around he seemed shocked as he stared at Seer for a really long time.