1 The beginning of Arykalamai

I was born into this world through the death of a deer. It was young, innocent, and a pure soul, As I woke up from the ground where the body was I cried for I had its memory how it died from hunters..... it was young, I now was too. It was a beauty too, but when it died the hunters left it since, it was all for "fun" and they laughed and walked away leaving it to be there, all alone, all because they could... I still remember very dimly how terrified it was and how awful it looked after.... well, anyways, as I was saying, I was there wondering why and how I came into this world. I looked around then decided to go see how this world looked worth my own eyes I now had and saw some man? At least I thought it was, but it was actually one of the gods, so uh that was a huge mistake at my part, I should have ran away but no I was so stupid that I wanted to see him closely and when I did I saw his very dark eyes and almost tripped on my hair cause he was so cool! In more ways than one

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And so, oh wait I did trip! I forgot... shit I don't like remembering that... it was terrifying I was there I stared at him he saw me then glared for some reason and I walked backwards for some reason and tripped on my long hair idk why I was born with a child's body with hair long as Rapunzel okay???

And so then he laughed at my clumsiness and then realized something. And looked at me strangely that day because no one can see them unless they want to be seen or the other person is a god or part/ demi-god you know? And so he wondered what god made me since I was definitely not his brothers since I didn't look at all like them and he himself never remembered seeing a little girl being made made from himself. At least he was sure he never made me. Then he thought about the Demi-gods and none seemed to match with me. I was just something that came from no where. Wasn't every really made by any god.... I was just me...and so he left me there and I suddenly was given the thing that ruined my life completely, godly power...hahah.....

