
So what your up to?

" Ma, how did you find me?" to which Sherry replied with just a pointed look as if telling her 'are you really serious with the question?'

"Ah never mind, of course you will easily find me with your underground connection. Are you spying on me?" Krista probed on.

"Huh?! what to spy on you. dimwit. Your life is not as exciting as mine. What's your plan now that you are normal?" Sherry exagerrated her voice when he said the word normal and even use her fingers to quote unquote the word.

"Well, I'm planning to be a...ahhhmmm... singer! yeah a singer!" Krista replied with uncertainty as she was caight off guard.

"What singer?why??!!! of all the things you could have dreamt on, you choosing singing?!" Sherry was flabbergasted with Krista's answer. She really believe that her talented but dimwit daughter is destined to be great in any field but singing is a mediocre career compare to her other talent.

"Ma, you dont understand. singing is not just singing in the entertainment industry. Its not as if you can just sing whatever you like and people will like you. It will take guts, perseverance and tantamount talent for you to event have a sliver of chance. Besides, it's too early now to really think what I want to do in life. I'm still processing everything." Krista exasperation while explaining is evident. She just blurted out singing for her to answer the sudden question of Sherry but her reaction is way above the line.

"You know,you can be a martial all instructor or someyhing combatant. Don't do cutesy artsy profession now. It's a waste of the things you know." Sherry suggested while raising her eyebrows.

"Enough of me mom. I told you I'm still thinking about it. So how's the old life now huh" Krista deflect the topic by throwing some below the belt comment to Sherry.
