
Death in city A

As he lay dying inside the cave, Luca looked up at the woman who had stabbed him with her sword." You have shed my innocent blood, you have killed me but I swear on my poor soul, I did nothing to you". He coughed out blood a few seconds before he continued," you will not escape this! From today onwards, your spirit shall be chained here, until a child is born inside this very cave, until a new life is created here you destroyed one. As soon as he finished talking, he lay still. The woman who had stabbed him had been standing behind him all these while he talked, staring almost unblinkingly at the dead man. Then she used her leg and turned the man over. She stared at him a few more seconds before she cleaned her sword and left the cave. She returned some minutes later and carried the dead man outside the cave in a black nylon bag. She dropped him somewhere not very far from the cave and went inside the cave. It was almost very dark now. ******* The next day*******. Reneta, a young woman was weeping sympathetically in her home. Her mother and a few friends were consoling her sadly. Her daughters' Trixie,10 and Tiffany 8, were crying loudly, not wanting to be consoled by anyone. Her youngest child Juan was 3 and too young to understand why anyone was crying. He just cried because he hated to see his mom sad. Reneta had lost her husband a day before. He was brought home that morning by city A police. He had been found dead beside an abandoned house in city B. The identity card in his pocket helped them to identify him. Despite all those telling her not to weep so much, Reneta was inconsolable. Her husband was Luca.