

one and a half years earlier…

"Come on Amy, just come with me. You are always just working and then go straight home after work. Live a little, will ya!? "

Sophie was always saying these kind of things to me. I know she is right, but I just don't feel like going anywhere. They just go to club and after a few hour get wasted. What's there to like about that?

"No, Sophie. You know, I don't like these kind of things."

"Just this once, please! I promise, we will just dance a little, and before you know, we will be going home. Just the two of us. You know, girls night."

And here comes the puppy eyes. She always does this, if she wants something from me. I don't know, why I can't resist this, but I just can't.

"Okay, just this once. And just so you know, if you leave me by myself in a club again, just to go somewhere with a "cute guy", I will stop speaking with you, and this time I am serious."

"Mooo, it only happened one time, and I already apologized for that. How much longer are you gonna use this against me?"

"Till I can forget it."

"So forever, huh… But it doesn't matter, you already agreed to come with me, so come on, let's get ready for a little fun tonight! Yuppe!"

And just like that she got what she wanted. I just can't understand why are we even friends, when we are so different. Sophie is your typical sexy woman, to whom the guys always wants to pay a drink or two. She is 160 cm tall, has mid-length brown-reddish hair, green eyes with a kickass hourglass shape. What's there to not like?

"By the way, where are we going? I hope you have an idea already. You know I hate it, when we just go out without any destination. "

"Keep your panties, girl, I know you. Have you heard about the new club in the city? They say it's a really fancy place, and I wanted to check it out for a while now."

"New club? I didn't hear about it at all."

"Don't take offense,but it's not that surprising, we are talking about you."

I don't think I can't not take offense, especially when she looks at me like that. I know I am not a party girl, but it hurts if you look at me like that. Just forget it, it will be over soon.

"Okay, okay, I will get ready quick, and we can go."

With that, I went back to my room, to get ready for the night. The sooner we go, the sooner I can go home, or I hope so.


Vibrant lights, music blaring through in the whole place, so loud you almost couldn't hear what somebody said beside you. The place was so crowded, you couldn't even take a single step, let alone dance. That's the picture what awaited us as we entered the club.

"Come on, don't just stand there! Let's go, we have to grab something to drink. "

Sophie was in her element, she barely could stop herself from hopping in place. She was so energetic, it almost hurt to look at her.

"Okay, but not too much. You promised we wouldn't be here for too long."

"Mooo, party popper. I know, I promised. So please just chill, and try to enjoy this a little bit. Thank you!"

With that she turned around and started to make her way to the bar. With a little difficulty we arrived to the bar, but I couldn't even see the bartender from the people who were already there waiting for their drinks. It will be a long wait for two drinks… or so I thought, but I was with Sophie, after all. She just went, and broke through the crowd, and before I know, she was already before the counter. She flashed the bartender a smile, and he was right there without much wait. Huh, typical Sophie…

"So what would you like to drink, honey?"

"For me would be a whiskey without ice of course, just so we don't spoil a good drink, and please make it a double, sweetie." - She winked at him, and turned back to me.

"What will be for you Amy?"

"Just a gin tonic, thanks." - She turned back to the bartender, and with a flirty smile on her face said.

"And a gin tonic for my friend."

We got our drinks, and with a "Thank you, sweetie" Sophie blow him a kiss and we went to search for a place to drink them.

Here is the next chapter! :)

Please share with me your thoughts about it!

Thank you for reading!

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