
chapter 2 the church

Damien finds himself standing in line with the other 16 year olds of the village ,a bishop comes around once a year to do appraisals of the magic power of each child who is of age ,that age being 16 . at precisely 12 they call for Damien ,he walks into the church and puts his right hand on the hand of the bishop the bishop closes his eyes and a green light flashes around Damien as well as a red light filled by a blue and a cyan light after these 4 lights a number appears on his hand "67...above average ,but not to uncommon . affinities with wind, fire water and something else I'm not sure what but I don't care ,begone with you! "The bishop says as he gives the boy a slip of paper with all of the information he just said .

Damien walks away unsure of what he feels for these results , disregarding what just happened he makes his way to the blacksmiths shop ,before he knows it he's at the door of Arden's store .He opens the door quite normally "Hey Arden ,you in here?" he calls out . after a minute or so an old bearded man , probably about 45 comes from a back room ,the man is fairly muscular but that's common for a blacksmith "hey kid what can I do fo- oh it's just you com'on in kid "

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