
Rocky Territory

- DEX -

Raya is driving Luciano's SUV, and the rest of us are all piled in the back. Luci and I are in the backseat sitting on the floor, and his three guys are in the very back. 

There wasn't enough room in the truck and I know Raya isn't comfortable driving it, so this was the only other option. A bonus is the dark tint on all of the windows. It might look a little suspicious when Raya pulls up to the mill, but as soon as she gets out, it should be fine. I hope. God, I hope. I'm trusting my cousin with my whole world right now. I hope he realizes that. 

"Do we even need to hide with how tinted these damn windows are?" I mumble.

"Sometimes you can see silhouettes," Luci replies. "Depends on the light."