
No More Monsters

- RORY -

I have to move. I know I have to move, but I'm frozen. I can't just stay here behind this tree, though. Whatever is taking him so long to come after me is eventually going to relent, and then my luck is going to run out. 

I've already lost too much time. I could have been further away by now… wherever that might be. Further probably just means deeper in this forest. 

I'm not sure if running further is actually the best idea now that I think about it. It could create more problems. I could become lost—well, more lost. Exposed to the elements. Potentially further from civilization rather than closer. 

All of these potential issues flip through my brain, keeping me rooted in place. Then I hear him behind me—cursing to himself. Not even trying to keep quiet. The tears that had sprung into my eyes that I didn't even realize were there fall, and I wipe them away now that my time has run out.