
Guardian Angel


All of the feelings I have for Rory have solidified and taken hold, sprouting between us into something beautiful. They're no longer just on my side. 

I can feel the way we're threaded together. I can feel the path that we're meant to travel together begin to take shape, unfolding ahead of us into the future, and I sigh contentedly. I'm whole. I'm complete, because I have her. She's mine.

The shape of her warmth melds perfectly against mine, comfortable and satisfied. We murmured to each other back and forth and laughed together until her breaths grew long and even. Now she's asleep in my arms, and there's no way I'm ever letting her go. I will burn the world down first before that ever happens. 

Ma used to say there was some kind of guardian angel protecting me. I've had more run-ins with trouble than most in the family, but I've always managed to walk away mostly unscathed. The injuries I've received were never life-threatening.