
Better Than Expected

- RAYA -

Rory honks when she arrives at the house, and I roll my eyes, chuckling as I open the door to go out to meet her. 

"You can't come up to the door?" 

"Look at you!" She says with a wide smile, shutting the driver's side door and jogging around to hug me. "Oh my god, I missed you so much. I was so worried about you the whole time. You look really good. I guess dream guy has been taking good care of you after all. Has it really only been a week?" 

"It feels longer, doesn't it?" I giggle. "How was the flight back?"

She groans. "Long and boring. I'm so relieved to be back. Westin and I got in a huge fight the last day we were there, so the entirety of the flight was mostly us not talking and me pretending that I didn't care." 

"Oh no. Why? What happened?"