
All the Poetry


As soon as Rory walks into the restaurant, the anxiety that has felt like a live wire running straight down my spine disappears. I can relax again. I can fucking breathe. 

And that's exactly what I do, releasing a heavy sigh and allowing the calm to take over. Dex glances at me as the girls walk toward the table. I'm not sure if he's evaluating the quick change in my mood or preparing to deliver another 'I told you so' since they both made it to us okay, but I ignore him. It's not important. What's important is that Rory is here. Every other concern falls away. 

I've got it so fucking bad for this girl. 

Rory may be in denial, but I can see that she relaxes around me, too. It's just like Dex said about the dreams and sleeping together, but apparently it works when we're awake, too. I'm what she needs, and the realization makes my chest swell.