4 Betrayal

The target's residence had an expansive garden the size of a national park. Finding antelope, elks, emus, and other animals were commonplace within the Starlight Comet Estate.

Under the tall trees and green-blue canopy, Little Plum dashed at the speed of a cheetah. She could care less about her leg injury.

Crimson blood dripped from her open wound nonstop. Soon, Little Plum's speed faltered as two shadows caught up to her.

"What is the meaning of this?" Little Plum's eyes narrowed when she noticed who her two pursuers were.

"Plum, oh my dear, Little Plum. What a sorry state you are in," a sarcastic tone sounded from one of the figures. The figure removed his voice changer and spoke, "If you agreed to marry me, this would have never happened."

Standing next to him, the other figure grinned. "How sad is this considering how you were once one of the top geniuses of the younger generation. I feel slightly embarrassed for being envious of you once upon a time."

"Jack! Wei Zhuyan!" she roared with bloodshot eyes. All of her former composure disappeared as she instantly realized that the duo had betrayed her!

The same people who were ordered by her grandfather to protect her!

From the start, Plum understood that there was no way that her other companions would fail to stop the alarm from sounding. However, she refused to believe that all of her companions were in on this plan to bring her down. Therefore, she demanded, "What have you done to Maria?"

"We wouldn't hurt our 'companion'. Maria is quite loyal to the Black Rose Organization and would never join us in this endeavor." Jack swiftly threw three needles. Plum dodged the three, but five more came at her and struck Plum's pressure points, temporarily immobilized her.

"We simply knocked Maria out as Akira took her away."

"Akira is in this too?"

"Of course he is!" an outburst came from Wei Zhuyan. "I'll have you know that there is an uncountable amount of members of the organization and clients who want you dead! But as the granddaughter of the boss, there was no way we could kill you!"

"Furthermore, your grandfather killed my family!" Wei Zhuyan equipped a dagger as he cut through Plum's thread trap, which she set up in a hurry once she detected the duo's presence.

As one of the organization's assassins, Wei Zhuyan knew how to undo the threads so quickly, albeit not as skillfully as Plum could.

When Plum tried to run away, Wei Zhuyan followed with similarly skilled footwork. Taking advantage of Plum's weak state, he hooked his wires on her clothes as they suspended her in the air. "You are an utter fool for trusting us, you oh so great genius!"


Plum's mask dropped onto the ground, revealing a doll-like face. Silky black hair dribbled down her shoulders. Soft pink lips, and almond eyes that sparkled in a violet color under the moonlight. She was like a fox demon that attracted both men and women alike with her sublime appearance.

However, the perpetrator himself could only see the woman as an evil vixen.

"A person like you who had everything from the start wouldn't understand people like me!"

Plum ignored Wei Zhuyan as she observed Jack in silence. After years of knowing her, Jack could tell that Little Plum was asking him 'Why?' from just her eye contact.

"Hey, Little Plum. I loved you. I loved your otherworldly beauty, your skills, and your aloof temperament. The moment I saw your appearance when killing numerous filthy ants in cold-blood, I fell wholeheartedly in love." Jack caressed Plum's cheek before yanking out strands of her long hair. "But no matter how much I loved you, you would never be mine!"

The gears in Little Plum's head spun as she sought for a way out.

"My grandfather will murder you traitors. He would never let you all go." A cold glint flashed within Little Plum's violet irises.

"Haha! That would only happen if he knew that you were out here! We never did receive a mission to kill the head of the Ye Clan. We figured that you would die from trying to kill the head or we would finish you as you escaped!"

With her skills, she was able to undo the wires. However, she was incapable of moving her legs due to Jack's needles.


Violet spots colored the flesh around the needles.

Plum was astonished. With her immunity to most poisons, it should be impossible for her to be affected by any poisons. The only poison that had a chance of afflicting aliments on her was the "Black Rose"—a special poison brewed by her grandfather himself.


Stifling her words, she remembered that Wei Zhuyan's grandmother was her grandfather's friend...these traitors really were prepared when planning to betray her.

Little Plum sighed as she looked up at the full moon. Perhaps not even God would know what the man's thoughts were.

Today might be...the day of her death.
