

Wang Yu Yan remained in her room the entire time. She couldn't believe that Ling Feng didn't trust her. Besides the fact that she was a princess, she could understand. but how could he say that her kingdom is none existent?.

That was truly the most preposterous thing that she had heard in her life.

Wang Yu Yan missed home at this moment. She wondered how everyone was doing. How was everyone at the palace and Mo Ru Shi…

Shoot! Wang Yu Yan had forgotten about her. Wherever she was, her attendant must have been in big trouble. Wang Yu Yan couldn't imagine what they would do if she were discovered. If she hadn't been discovered yet.

NO… No… no Wang Yu Yan had to find a way back home now. Just on cue, she heard a knock on her door.

"Sweetheart. It's me open the door", She rushed to the door within a second.

"Well, good morning, looks like you've been settling in",

Ling Feng's mom noticed how she was in her pyjamas seemingly looking comfortable. But her expression read something else.

"Lady, I need your help. You need to take me to Guan Continent as soon as possible", she spoke in a rushed manner.

"What do you mean sweetie. What is the matter?",

"I have to get there now, my friend is in danger. We have to hurry", she urged the lady hoping she would comply this time. Wang Yu Yan knew that she had no time to waste. She knew this and that made her feel even more guilty for following her whims. She has stayed here longer than she needed to.

" Oh sweetie, I have to tell you something. Come here",

Ling Feng went into the living area and she followed. Lady Ying Yue sat her down on the soft bench and started talking, "I'm sorry to tell you this but that is going to be impossible for now. We don't know how to get you to Guan Continent. There is no natural way we could do that",

"… but what about your Metal Beasts, they seem very fast. I'm sure they could make it to Guan Continent rather Quickly",

The old lady gave her a look of remorse," I'm afraid to even our beasts are not sustainable for that job",

"Just tell her that the place doesn't exist. Stop whitewashing it",

"Stop It, Xiao Ling", she quickly responded.

"What? It's the truth. We both know that Guan Continent is an ancient place that no longer exists in our day and age",

Wang Yu Yan stood up in anger," It does exist and I am going to prove it to you. Both of you", She looked at them both before she stormed out.

"You see what you've done", Ling Feng's mom spoke with a falter in her voice.

"What? I just trying to help her. The sooner she realizes she has a problem, the sooner she could find help",

"I don't know what to say to you anymore. You are just inconsiderate of other people's feelings", Ling Ying Yue was fuming with her words.

"Mother, why are you so mad? Don't tell me you don't realize that girl has a problem. Why am I to blame for all of this?",

"You know what forget it", she left the room and Ling Feng stood there alone.

He was in a state of confusion. He expected that reaction from the girl but never would he have expected it from his own mother.

What was wrong with everyone? Was it true that this girl's craziness was contagious?

Ling Feng stood there in disbelief looking at the situation at hand. It seemed the more time that passed on this matter the more questions he had.

Ying Yue stood just outside the girl's door as it was locked from the inside. She tried the doorknob a couple of times but failed to open it.

"Sweetheart, open the door, please. Let's talk",

Silence. The Middle-aged lady listened through the door but heard nothing.

"Alright, sweetie. I won't bother you, if you want to talk I'll be right outside.

Ling Ying Yue went into the kitchen and sat at the counter.

Ling Feng shortly came into the room but as soon as he saw her he started to retreat, "Honey, please wait",

He paused allowing her to continue, "I'm sorry for how I spoke to you just now, it just…",

"…It's just that you are fooled by that lunatic",

"Hey, don't speak about her that way", she defended.

"… but it's true",

"Okay, okay fine. Let talk about something else. You…off work today… what's up with that? ",

"I'm the CEO, don't I deserve a day off", Ling Feng sat on his usual seat at the kitchen counter.

"Look who is talking. This is coming from the guy who has never had a break in five years. Who are you kidding? Does she have anything to do with it",

"What an imagination you have mom. Are you writing some fairy tale or something?",

"Don't try to deny it. If that's not it that what could the reason be?", the lady had a smirk on her lips.

"It's just that I…",

"Mhh Uhm", she nodded her head doubt.

"Sir, the camera just caught someone leaving behind the back", They were interrupted by the butler.

"What? Who was it?",

"I couldn't see the footage clearly but maybe you can recognize the person", Liu Ping brought the tablet with the video on pause, in front of his master.

"Here", he pressed play.

Ling Feng and his mother who was now beside him watched the video, "I can't see the face but by looking at the traditional clothing, I assume it must be our one and only Lunatic",

Ling Feng's mother gasped while covering her mouth, "Yu Yan?",

"It seems I was right about her, she truly is a thief", Ling Feng remarked.

Ling Ying Yue was shocked at the finding, "You think she is a thief?",

"If not why would she leave like a criminal. I knew it was all an act. Liu Ping tell my driver to get ready",

"Where are you going?", the worried lady called out as he walked away.

"To capture the thief of course",

Do you think she can get away?

Is it even possible to find a way back home in your opinion?

Any ideas how?

Yanie_Longcreators' thoughts
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