

The night went by very quickly for Wang Yu Yan. She couldn't get a blink of sleep but she didn't care. The happiness that filled her was enough for her not to miss going to sleep. Wang Yu Yan had never liked anyone and she didn't know how it felt to actually like someone so she had a hard time controlling her emotions. Whenever she was in front of him it seemed she didn't know what to say.

The sun rose right before Wang Yu Yan's eyes. She almost fell as soon as she stood up, her body was like a ton of bricks, from not resting the entire night but her brain couldn't feel any more awake. As soon as she saw the sun on the horizon Wang Yu Yan was out of bed.

Since the events of the evening, she couldn't wait to see him again. She headed for the kitchen knowing he would surely pass there when he went to work.

This time she didn't want to make the same mistake from yesterday by entering his chambers.

Wang Yu Yan sat for a while but soon she got bored. She looked at the appliances in the kitchen followed by a sense of adventure.

Wang Yu Yan saw how Lady Ying Yue used the big electrical cooker yesterday. She had never cooked a day in her life but yesterday's experience sparked her interest.

In the palace, she had never gotten to see them cook so she never wanted to do it. Besides, as a princess, she wasn't allowed to cook.

Here though she could do that.

She lit the stove and stood there trying to recall what next.

Oh, the food…

She didn't know what to make. What did she normally eat in the morning?

Mo Ru Shi always used to bring her a bowl of rice porridge.

Wang Yu Yan scanned the kitchen as she tried to figure out where the rice porridge was. She opened the fridge first but it was empty aside from some bottles of water.

She then opened the cupboards and found nothing also. Only many packets of the same food are stored in a packet. She searched everywhere else in the kitchen but found nothing. Wang Yu Yan then took one of the plastic stored foods and put it on the table next to the stove.

Then what's next…

A pot, she remembers seeing Ling Feng's mother taking out a pot and pouring water.

She did the same and put it on the hot stove. She took the packet and put it inside the water and closed the pot.

She recalled the Lady say to leave for half an hour so Wang Yu Yan decided to go explore the plantation outside as she waited.

Wang Yu Yan was so occupied yesterday. She even forgot to ask Lady Ying Yue to assist her in opening the glass door.

She gave it a go once again. She told herself that at this time, she would use all her strength. Her hands were on the handle but the door wouldn't budge.

"What do you think you are doing?",

Ling Feng was ready to go to work when she saw the lunatic up to her antics again.

For some reason, she kept pulling on the glass door. Whatever she was doing was completely wrong.

"Are you trying to break my door, I let you stay for the night, and already you are up to no good in my house",

Wang Yu Yan looked at his angry face and said, "This door is broken",

"You broke my door!", he went frantic.

He quickly pulled her by the hand leading her to the door. He had had enough. He couldn't take any more destruction from this crazy woman he just happened to come across.

Along the way, Lin Feng smelt something funny, "What's burning",

Wang Yu Yan saw the disaster and ran tending to her pot.

"Oh No…

My rice porridge", she complained.

Wang Yu Yan felt really bad. Her attempt at cooking was a complete failure.

When she opened the pot she found all the water burned an entirely charred meal. She couldn't tell what it was compared to its original form. The whole kitchen smelt of burnt rubber.

Ling Feng took deep breaths trying to contain himself but instead, he felt his temperature rise higher and higher.

"That's it, I want you out of here right this moment",

Ling Feng quickly grabbed her by her tiny shoulders. He pushed her from behind, not caring if she was still in her pajamas.

Upon seeing the main entrance. Liu Ping stood at the door watching the all too familiar scene.

He looked apologetic and when his boss was about to throw the girl. He felt sorry for being the bearer of bad news.

"Young Master. I'm sorry for disturbing you right…",

"Not now Liu Ping.

You'll tell me once I have this girl out of my house",

Ling Feng grabbed the door handle, the girl was right next to him. His arm was locked around her shoulders.

Wang Yu Yan tried to struggle out of his grip but she continuously failed.

Liu Ping pushed the door shut as Ling Feng opened it.

"Are you trying to die?", a deadly glare landed on the poor butler.

"Master, I'm afraid what I have to tell you can't wait",

"In fact, this is the perfect time", he glanced at the demented girl as he spoke.

He mentally shook his head thinking of what he was going to say. He really wished he was not the bearer of this news.

"Mrs. Ling came here yesterday and told me that if you ever think of kicking young miss here out. You should make sure to call her first",

"What! Since when do I take orders from her", Ling Feng proceeded with his action looking at his butler with disapproval.

"Sir, I think you might wanna hear her out. She sounded very adamant",

Ling Feng ignored his butler and really kicked the girl out closing the door behind him.

Wang Yu Yan was left outside alone and she didn't know how to feel. She felt guilty for almost burning his house and understood very well how that was distasteful. But was it so bad that she was trying to cook for him?

Wang Yu Yan laughed at the thought of seeing the result of her first try. She was disappointed and sad at the same time. She couldn't get anything right can she? Wang Yu Yan recalled the look that Ling Feng just gave her.

This was really her doing.

She had to make it right. No matter how long she needed to apologize, she couldn't let him have such a bad impression of her.

Wang Yu Yan was too familiar with groveling due to the Queen's strict nature. Sometimes Wang Yu Yan had to kneel outside of the palace just to have the Queen listen to her protest.

And that is what she did. Wang Yu Yan kneeled before the door and shouted in protest.

"I princess Wang Yu Yan, have done wrong!",

"My action's are punishable in front of Ling Feng",

"I will take my punishment and kneel in front of the door until Ling Feng sees fit to see me",

Was that nessasary though?

Wang seems a little dramatic. What do you think of her personality?

Is Ling Feng justified here?

Yanie_Longcreators' thoughts
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