
CEO's Appetite

As the saying goes... "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" ..... Cathelyn Hart, Chef and a Culinary Instructor was hired to become an Executive Chef for a chain of hotels in New York.... Despite of her numerous success in the field of the food industry for years, she still a have a missing piece that torments her heart. Will she be able to find it in her new job? Is her comeback in the industry will end her misery? Will she be complete this time around??? Robert Stevenson, the new CEO of Queens chain of hotels sole heir of the corporation. Snobbish, but Super Hot Bilionaire Bachelor... Will his hunger for success be the the way for his heart to be contented? Does being a billionaire gives him love power and success??? What will Cathelyn and Robert be in the end???

CatherineHart_19 · Urban
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17 Chs

The Offer Chapter 15

Robert's P. O. V

Today is the day that I will interview Cathelyn face to face. Since the day I found out that she is a prospective candidate for the job vacancy I am certain that I will hire her even there are more aspirants I'll make sure that she will take the job. I like her and I want her no matter what.

My secretary Ruby, already told me that she was already in the waiting room and is subject for the initial screening with Lesley my HR Manager and uncle Harley who is the Executive in charge of the whole department.

I let them screen her intially, It's because I want them not to have any hesitation about hiring Cathelyn. I know she can prove herself. Seeing her credentials and experience her masterpieces first hand, I know she is fit for the job. I just need to do some offer that she can't resist.

After 30 minutes, Lesley and uncle Harley came to my office. They raised some concerns but it is still up to me if I will give her the offer.

"The lady is quite straightforward." uncle said

"Mr. Stevenson, she has a good track record but isn't she too young for the position?" Lesley implied.

"Being her young is what I like, we need fresh blood for fresh ideas, We need someone like her that can balance being nice and stiff. I like her being stubborn." I smirked.

Lesley and uncle Harley look at each other with a confused look at my statement.

" Well son it's now up to you we already raised our comments about her, I hope you, we were right to get her onboard." uncle said.

" Will call her then so you can interview her she ia waiting quite a while now. Lesley uttered.

They both left my office.

Few seconds later someone knocked on my door. I just said "Come in. "

She pushed the door and they  entered my office. I was looking outside my window am not facing them.

As I turned around I was astound to see her beautiful face that looked shocked seeing me

Her suit fits her body perfectly. I gazed in her eyes it was so sexy as hell.

Lesley interrupted, As she requested to leave my office. "Sir, will leave the two of you just let me know the result of the interview." She said.

Thanks Lesley, I replied.

Cathelyn nodded at her as she walks out my office.

Cathelyn seems flustered and was silent for a while.

I cleared my throat, Ms. Hart, please have a seat and let's start getting to know you. I mumbled.

" Excuse me?" her face changed suddenly.

"I mean let's start the interview. I clarified returning to my seat.

She sat in front of my desk firmly as if she hadn't met me before." Let's cut the chase will you? She said.

"Your company asks Vexana to contact me for a job. what is your offer? She seems annoyed. Knowing am the CEO.

" You see Ms. Hart, we are in need of a dynamic Corporate Executive Chef. You will be incharged of the Kitchen Management of the entire Queens' chain of hotels. You are not only working for HQ but as well as with the other properties around US and Canada." I replied.

" What makes you think I will accept the job Mr. Stevenson?"She implied.

I sprang out of my chair and went infront of her moving my body near her, my hands held her chair's armrests. I feel her body froze she looked at me sharply.

" I will make you accept it. " I whispered in her ear. "

Our lips are just inches away I feel her hot  breath and her sweet perfume lingers in my nose. I stood up and took a paper from my desk. "Here is my offer Cathelyn."

She grabbed the paper annoyingly. She read every page. Her eyes started to softened as if she was not believing what is was reading.

"Is this all you got?" she asked.

Remembering the same line I've spoken to her the first time we met. I raised my brow in discontent.

"What do you mean that is all? Name your price and your terms!" I mouthed.

She run thru each item in the offer.

"I want you to double the amount of my salary offer since I am not only handling 1 property, I want a residential suite in each property, I go to work 5 days only, Apart from my VL and SL credits I wanted to have 3 days leave during last week of June. That's my demand. She expressed.

"Double the salary offer?" Isn't it too much? I've already offered you triple of your salary in the bistro. I opposed.

"Take it or Leave it" She insist.

I was taken a back, She was so ferocious. But I want her. This is the only way I can have her.

She stood up and was about to leave.

"I guess you can't give me what I want" she said.

I grabbed her arm not letting her walk out my office. She almost stumble but I was able to hold her waist. I was almost hugging her.

She broke away from my arms, and straightened her suit amd move a little bit away from me while I put my hands in my pocket standing up straight.

"I will give your demands Cathelyn. But, you are only to report to me." I said firmly.

" It's very kind of you, but I will think about it Mr. Stevenson."  she quip.

"Besides I still have  an ongoing contract with the school am working for I maybe joining you in months time. She added.

I placed my right hand at the back of my head thinking how to convince her.

I walked towards her and place a finger on her chin, her faced turned red. She bit her pink lips and she gazed me sharply.

"Like what I said I will make you accept it!" I stated.

I took my card in my side pocket. "please let me know about your decision." I render.

"I will go ahead, just email me the new contract." she replied. Leaving me alone in my office.

I immediately called Ruby and discussed with her the revisions for the contract.

"This is duly noted Sir, will send it ASAP." she affirmed.

Hoping she will agree to work for me.