
Chapter 1 - Friend's Visit

Sophie was in her room preparing her bags to finally leave for the Celestial Star Academy - the largest academy that aims to train demigods, with the goal of making them the new greatest creators of universes ever.


Well, it's not easy to get into this academy; either you give it your all to get in, or you can try an "easier" option, which is to be recommended. For you to be recommended, you have to excel in everything while you are in elementary school - which is where you learn basic things, like how to use spells, weapons, and the like. Now, another option, is for you to take a kind of "vestibular", which consists of a very difficult theoretical discursive test, where the smallest mistake can lead you to decline. Then, in the second phase, you will do a heavy resistence test, where you will have to face more than a thousand demons and monsters of various types, from the most sadistic and bloodthirsty to the most "easy" and silly.

The biggest problem for those who want to enter the Celestial Star Academy is mainly the fact that very few people have been able to get in by recommendation, and the resistence test in the second phase can do serious damage to those who are not prepared; the number of demi-gods who are called there is 100-150. But that's 100-150 out of more than 100,000 per slot.

Luckily, Sophie managed to get into it by recommendation. But don't think it was easy. She worked very hard, she didn't have a single day of rest; she studied and trained for hours a day, and she even turned nights in order to always surpass herself, always be better than her previous version.


As she packed her bags, Sophie's mind wandered; she thought about what her life would be like after she finished higher education. She imagined herself in her future universe, beautiful, full, powerful. All this together with her future husband. Who would be her husband? She hadn't decided yet. She thought she was too young to think about marriage.

As soon as Sophie finishes packing her bags, she calls for the waiter - a very tall elf with big pointed ears and lifeless dark eyes - to help with the bags. There were four in total. One suitcase for casual clothes, one for party clothes, one for shoes, and lastly one for books. The bags were lilac in color and had a unique glow; those bags were just like Sophie.

The elf, with little difficulty, managed to carry the bags to the front of the castle Zepta - one of the most beautiful places in the castle. There is a beautiful fountain in the middle of the main entrance, gushing crystal clear water, which makes a wonderful contrast to the light emitted by the celestial bodies in the Zeptelian sky. There are also wooden benches, white with gold details, surrounding the fountain - something super chic and delicate. Besides the flowers that surround the place, which causes a wonderful scent to the environment. There is the perfect place to read a good book while drinking a cup of coffee.

As soon as the waiter leaves the bags in front of the main entrance, Sophie decides to sit on one of the benches around the fountain and takes one of the books from her bag. It's just a silly romance book; it was just to pass the time. After working so hard to get into the CSA (Celestial Star Academy), she needs a rest, doesn't she? So, her break is to read a nice mushy romance.


While our little demi-goddess is lost in the romantic world of books, her mother, Michaela - a goddess, owner of surreal beauty, with baby pink hair, a body sculpted by gods(literally) and beautiful pairs of purple eyes - sees her sitting on the bench, reading some random romance novel. She walks towards her and places her hands on her daughter's head, beautifully beautiful just like her mother.

"Sophie, how are you, princess?" Her mother calls out to her, and soon her daughter loses focus of her reading, giving a slight jump.

The demigoddess was actually surprised by her mother's voice, though Michaela's voice was sweet and velvety.

"Ah! Hi Mom! Yes, I'm fine..."

"Sorry for the scare Princess, it's just that I saw you here, all focused" The mother was genuinely embarrassed for having disturbed her little princess' reading. She didn't do it out of spite, she really wanted to know if her little princess was okay.

"Yes, Mom, I'm fine. And don't worry, the book wasn't that great... I was just 'killing time' " She gave a slight wink with a sweet smile and gave a thumbs up sign, showing that she really wasn't bothered by her mother's act.

In fact, Sophie was quite happy about it. She is very attached to her mother and loves it when her mother shows her motherly affection towards her.

"Oh, I'm so happy, daughter" her mother returns the smile with another smile, a smile that melts the heart of those who see her - So, what's the book about? - Mom asks, trying to make some conversation.

"Well, it's not a big deal. It's just a romance between two people; one person is from a completely opposite side to the other... And then one of the sides starts the seduction game and so on... It's not the most brilliant story in the world, but it's enjoyable to read."


"É... Come to think of it, it really is. Hahahaha" She giggled because she was embarrassed to be so close to her mother. It's normal, but she doesn't really understand the reason for that. And, to be honest, she doesn't care much about it.

"Well, I'm going in. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, mom!"

And so, Michaela walked into the castle.

Sophie closed the book, put it on her lap and looked at the fountain in front of her. Her mind filled with random thoughts and then emptied. Anyone who looked at her said Sophie was in the world of the moon.


After a few minutes lost in her thoughts, Sophie hears the bell - the huge bell that sits on top of the castle - ringing, warning the uni-Zepta's that they have a visitor...

Once again, thank you for reading this far. I'm really motivated to write and I think about writing another chapter later ... That's it, let me know if you see any mistakes!

Until next s2

talliecreators' thoughts
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