
Rebirth in a Mortal Shell

The realm of gods was a place of immense power and unfathomable beauty. Among the deities that ruled over this realm, there was one god named King. He was renowned as the strongest and most prideful of them all, believing himself to be unrivaled in strength and unmatched in skill. However, fate had a different plan for him.

In a twist of destiny, King's essence was torn from his divine form and thrust into the mortal world. Stripped of his godly powers, he found himself confined within the fragile confines of a human body. Though his physical appearance had changed, his memories and knowledge remained intact, a reminder of the god he once was.

As King opened his eyes, he found himself in the northern part of Crystalia, a land where anyone could aspire to attain the strengths of gods through talent, training, and magic. The very thought of starting from scratch infuriated him, but he knew that he had to adapt to this new reality.

His birth ability, a unique gift bestowed upon him even as a mortal, allowed him to understand the magic he witnessed and comprehend how it functioned. With a smile on his face, he resolved to overpower any magic he encountered with everything he had.

It was in this determined state of mind that King set out on his journey, seeking knowledge and power. His path led him to the illustrious magical academy known as Cove. Hidden amidst towering mountains and enchanting forests, the academy was a hub of learning and magical prowess.

Unbeknownst to his peers, King was an ex-god, possessing an unparalleled wealth of experience and understanding. As he stepped onto the academy grounds, he could feel the condescending gazes of his fellow students who looked down upon him, unaware of his true nature.

Day by day, King immersed himself in his studies, delving deep into the intricacies of magic. He voraciously absorbed every piece of information, honing his skills with unwavering determination. Despite the mockery and underestimation he faced, he never faltered in his pursuit of greatness.

The world in which King lived had a unique characteristic – it had flipped gender roles, with women holding positions of power and men often marginalized. However, all conflicts and disputes were resolved through duels, a tradition ingrained in the society of Crystalia. It was a battle of strength and skill until one opponent was left unconscious or surrendered.

King, driven by his pride and unyielding desire for recognition, saw these duels as an opportunity to prove himself. He yearned for a chance to showcase his true abilities and demonstrate that he was no ordinary mortal. With each passing duel, his opponents fell before him, astonished by his relentless determination and sheer talent.

Yet, despite his victories, King's true identity remained concealed. The more he achieved, the more he realized the importance of keeping his divine past hidden. It fueled his motivation to surpass everyone's expectations and prove his worth solely as a mortal.

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