11 chapter 8 : let the game began!! part 1

a figure was standing near the window in the spacious room. staring down the majestic person sitting on a delicate divan in the loyal garden.

this majestic person with warrior god aura seemed to be busy with some palace officials.

the person was handling the issues and problems placed by his subjects perfectly, with the grace and accuracy of a predator hunting his prey without a second thought.

and rending everyone speechless with his art of keenness and wisdom. there was a detectable presence of power, authority, and cruelness.

the figure standing by the window had his eyebrows scrunch up, mouth slightly lifting upwards forming a pouting face and his eyes had a layer of extra moist.the moist forming crystal on his long eyelashes.

the persona in low tone whispered in the air, "forgive me wang xu....forgive me wang xu..... I cant stay.....as you leave me no choice other than going away, leaving you alone...."

after su yi and wang, xu fought. wang didn't talk to su yi. su yi was feeling guilty because whenever wang saw him, he turned away without saying a word.

su yi helpless gave out a deep sigh upon reminiscing the reasons for wang behavior.


all the carriages were fully docked up with possessions and day to day needs. Jing and shou er was already sitting in the carriage waiting for su yi.

as for su yi, he was feeling relentless as wang didn't even come to say farewell to him.

" where the hell he is! he didn't even came to me to wish me luck for traveling and so. we are probably going to meet after a long time, so where is he!", su yi blabbered to himself.

Jing and shou er was becoming impatient towards the aimless delay. " shou er tell you mother empress to hurry up!",Jing reaching his limits of tolerance said to shou er.

"yes uncle Jing, I will go and call away mother empress right away.", shou er immediately replied.

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' PART 1 END

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