
Chris Cooper

*Mission-Capture Cheif/wolf, Healer/snake, Hunter/white deer, Inventor/Hawks, Banish female protagonists, and to befriend "Fe-Male" Sunny.

*Host/body- Sunkissed reddish brown hair, beautiful bluish purple eyes, pearly white skin, purple butterfly marking with a crescent moon.

* A male with a trait mark on the shoulder in this world is known as a fe-male.

* The female protagonist is a girl from reality who travels to the caveman world and enchants men and into serving her as slaves. his mission is to kick her out of the tribe and make her out to be the villain saving the lives and Hearts by making the men his beforehand and choosing his pair among them.

"Chris Cooper do you accept the mission." asked a blue fox with two tails/his system Rixfur.

" Of course it sounds interesting, another green tea b****. I think I'll play a green tea b**** as well in this world." said Chris Cooper with a devilish smirk and a raised eyebrow.

The system signs and looks on knowing what's to come of the protagonist that caught the interest of his S rank bottom host.

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