
Senior Year

Chapter 1

Damn it !!!!

I looked at the clock,it was 7:10 AM,I quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath,after a quick bath I hurried to wear my school uniform and go for a quick breakfast .

This wasn't how I planned my first day of the new session as an SS3 student,my siblings were already downstairs with my mum probably waiting for me,I went downstairs to greet my mum and have breakfast.

"Goodmorning mummy "I greeted my mum.

"Goodmorning sweetheart,how are you"She asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm fine,I am sorry I woke up late"I apologized.

"It is okay,try waking up early tomorrow,now eat your breakfast let's go"She replied.

So....my parents got divorced two years ago due to Domestic violence so now my family consists of four,my mum, Mason-My twin brother,Maya my younger sis and Michelle.....that's me. My mum is a nurse and ever since she divorced my dad,she took upon herself to take care of her kids,she is doing a good job although she is strict but I love her.

My mum quickly dropped us at school and yes !!We were damn late but since it was the first day of the term at school we were pardoned,I thanked God because the teachers of Dayspring International School on a normal day dealth with Seniors for coming late, after assembly we went to our various classes,I'm in art class while my brother is in science so the classes were separated.

On getting to my seat,I noticed Olivia my seatmate and bestfriend isn't in class although she doesn't resume first day of the term but she promised to come,I was kind of disappointed and not in the mood to talk to any of my noisy classmates (I'm not a quiet person, I'm a talkative but I know my limits),I rested my head on the desk since our CRS teacher didn't resume on the first day so it was free period.

"Madam Michy wake up"Olivia called my name while smiling.

Olivia has a caramel skin colour just like me,she isn't fat or skinny,she is in between,she is tall in height,she has long relaxed hair which I love alot,well my hair is natural and do not plan on leaving the naturalist geng and Oh she is a whole vibe!!

"Am not sleeping,Is now your mates are coming to school abi"I giggled.

"Don't mind me joore,you know first day of every term is not my thing"Olivia said.

"I know latecomer"I replied.

"You will cry o!,where is Mr Jacob?"She asked.

"I guess he is not in school"I replied.

"So that's why the class is noisy,so time for gist"She said.

"Which gist?"I asked.

"Tobi's gist na "She replied.

I was about to reply her when Mr Daniel walked into the class and we greeted him.

"Goodmorning students,this is a new term and session,I won't tolerate any non-chalant attitude"He ordered.

"Yes Sir"We replied while comporting ourselves.

Soon it was break time,I was damn hungry,I dragged Olivia to the cafeteria because I wasn't in for slow movement,we got there and the queue was already long,I was frustrated.

"All these D.I.S students doesn't even waste time before they get here"Olivia said feeling frustrated.

"Am so tired"I complained.

"Of what?"She asked.

"I don't have strength to talk,I waaaaaant fooood"I said putting on a long face.

"Foodie"she said jokingly

We were discussing different stuffs when it was cut short by

"Hey Princess"Tobi exclaimed.

Not again!!

"Tobi for the last time!! I'm not your princess, that's not even my name and I'm sure you know my name"I stated with a straight face.

"Okay fine,how are you ??Hey Oli wassup "he asked with his face beaming with a smile.

"We are both good and I know you are fine as well so we have to go right now,BYE"I said while dragging Olivia away .

"Why are you so cold to that guy,he likes you "She remarked.

If only she knows who I like...

"Oh please,am probably the next on his list and am not going to fall for it and fall for anybody"I replied.

"You are more difficult than algebra,you know that right"Olivia said.

"Nay, algebra isn't that difficult "I replied.

"I can see you are not hungry again "Olivia said.

As soon as I got home,I crashed on my bed and fell asleep,I guess I was too tired to check my phone or talk to anybody. I woke up by 5:00 PM and went downstairs to watch TV,Maya was already watching SpongeBob SquarePants on TV.

"Hey sis"Maya said.

"Hey,how are you"I asked drowsily.

"I am......

Ding dong!!!

"I will go get the door"I told her

I was expecting Olivia or probably one of my brother's cute friends but I was surprised by who was standing there.

"Hey Michelle,surprised to see me?"My Dad asked.

For a man of 47,I have to commend he is still looks quite young.

"Heeeeeeeey, sorry Good Evening Sir,come in"I said slightly surprised.

Although he is my Dad and am supposed to be excited and all but due to the pictures in my head of him physically assaulting my mum,I wasn't too happy to see him and I know my mum won't be either.

"Hey,My little princess"He said referring to Maya.

"Good Evening Dad,we weren't expecting you "Maya said in disgust.

"That's why is a surprise visit,I missed my kids so I decided to pay you guys a visit and I got you guys a lot of stuffs "My Dad said.

"By the way,where is your mother?"He asked looking around the house.

"None of your business DAD!!"Mason said.

My eyes widened as if they want to pop out,I used my eyes to communicate with my bro saying "Are you okay or this few years has made you forget who this man is ?"

"Now Nero that's not how you talk to your father,show some respect"My Dad commanded .

I knew what was going to happen next because these two are obviously sworn enemies. Mason was'nt paying heed to what I was saying,I quickly texted my mum and informed her that her ex-husband is in her house and she should stay at work till he goes ,she later replied with "OKAY"I was relieved after I saw her reply.

"So Michelle,where is your mum or doesn't she come home anymore?He asked.

"She went for night shift,so she isn't coming home tonight"I lied avoiding his eyes.

I can't lie straight to someone's face

"Alright then,I guess my presence is irritating you guys so am leaving"My Dad said standing up ready to take his leave.

"Obviously "Mason replied glaring at my Dad.

"Shut up!!"I commanded after my Dad has left.

"What's your problem huh??I know we are all angry at him,I am most especially but there is a way to handle things,Anger doesn't fix anything"I told him.

"Whatever"Mason replied heading off to his room.

The next day at school,I told Olivia what happened,nobody knows about my family that much because am not close to everybody that much,only Oli knows.

"So that's what happened"I said after telling her everything.

"Your brother really loves drama alot"She said.

"I know right,they both think they can settle everything with anger or violence ,good thing my mum didn't come home early"I replied.

"Well,he was kind of protecting his mum though but everything is gonna be fine,he is not under the same roof as you guys so need to worry,he isn't going to harm her like before, alright"she said calming me down.

"Thanks Oli"I said hugging her with tears in my eyes.

"Is okay,my princess"She said jokingly.

"Oh no,not you too"I said laughing

The week went quite well with little school stress,less family drama and it was finally weekend,the best days of my life,Nay,it's not,I actually clean,eat,watch movies and sleep atleast is better than school days.