1 P R O L O G U E


It was a rainy afternoon. People are running down the streets trying to catch a ride home as the rain poured hard. Luckily, it was Saturday and there were no class. I went inside a convenience store to shelter myself from the cold rain. I went to the coffee vendor to get myself some warm coffee. Once I got my coffee, I then found a place to sit near the window. Watching the rain pour down the street made me feel calm. After a few minutes, the rain had stopped.

I went out of the store and started walking my way back home. I saw some students talking to each other which made me feel envy. I never had the chance to have friends since I was a target of bullying. No one wanted to befriend me because they too scared that they will be bullied too. I was too weak, but that was before. I learned different types of martial arts at the age of 12 just to fight them back. I became stronger and it got me thinking that maybe I can have friends because no one can bully me now but that got me wrong. It was another reason why I still don't have friends. Why, you ask? It's because they're scared of me. I don't understand people's mind. They don't want to be near you because you're too weak and then when you start to fight back they're scared of what you might do and then judge you. I sighed at the thought and continued walking.

It was already 6:00 pm. I was near the subdivision when I heard some screams. Curiosity got the best of me so I went to the place where I heard the screams. I found myself nearing a closed area where there are hardly any people passing by which is kinda suspicious. I covered my mouth once I saw a lifeless body of a woman who seemed to be in her 30s.

I tried to calm myself and called the authorities as I scanned the body. It looks like she was dead a few minutes ago. I saw three stabs in her abdomen and a knife was sticking out of her chest. I took pictures before proceeding to scan the area. The things inside her bag was thrown out as if the culprit was trying to find something. I continued looking around when something caught my eye. I took out a pair of surgical gloves and a ziplock bag from my backpack. If you're wondering why I have them, it's because my mom is a detective and aside from martial arts, she trained me this kind of stuff.

I went to the corner where I found a bracelet. It was stained with blood and has some initials written on it.


Maybe it belonged to the woman. I'm not sure though. I placed it inside the ziplock bag. I then went back to where the body was and checked for more injuries. I noticed some nail marks on her right arm which I did not take notice before. I scanned the knife and analyzed that the culprit must have done it for the first time. I then heard sirens from the distance so I stood up and fixed myself and waited for the authorites to arrive.

When they arrived, I went to the head of the investagtion team.

"Good Afternoon, Detective Lee.", I greeted.

"Oh, Lisa, were you the one who called? Have you done some investigations?", he asked. Detective Lee is a friend of my mother. He knows that I'm being trained by my mother.

"Yes. I have already checked the crime scene and found and an evidence.", I said as I held out the ziplock bag containing the evidence. "I also took some pictures.", I added giving him my phone so that he can check it.

"Anything else?", he asked while he passed my phone to his assitant.

"Yes. The victim is Park Chae In. 32 years old. I saw her Identification card in her wallet. Also, the culprit seems to be related to her. The bracelet has initials written on it and her last contact was Park Se Jun. By the way, I noticed that there are no CCTVs in this area." I explained as he nodded.

"Okay. Thank you for your help. You can go.", he said as he gave back my phone.

"Welcome. I'll be going then.", I waved goodbye then walked back to the subdivision.

When I got home, mother was already cooking dinner.

"You're back.", Mother greeted.

"Why do I always have to encounter crime scenes?", I huffed.

"Because you're my daughter.", She replied laughing. "By the way, I'm transferring you to Hyeongsa Academy." she added.
