
Cat Dad’s Intermission

Chapter 111 – Cat Dad's Intermission

Xiaomao logged out of the game as he needed time to recuperate and increase his sync rate. He also needed to adapt to his upgraded strength.

When Xiaomao opened the capsule, he no longer had the cat tail or cat ears. However, his sense of smell got stronger than usual. Following the scent, Xiaomao looked at the bed.

Mu-Nyang, Mama Cat, Mir, and Nyanko all cuddled and slept together there. The cute sight soothed Xiaomao and made him forget about the troublesome future in-game.

Xiaomao looked at the clock. It was 5 AM on Monday.

"I hate Mondays. I hate school."

He was tired of going to school. For him, it was a pointless and tedious process of life.

The final exam was over, but all high-school students were forced to attend classes and prepare for the mock SAT exams. This was the fate of an Asian student, who barely had any freedom in life.

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