1 I was Sold

Cassie pov

I curled my body at the corner of my room.

He let go of me after he finished messing up with my body.

I thought he's my babysitter when he knocked on our door but I was wrong.

For letting me him in inside the house was the day I felt like my life had been shattered into pieces especially my dreams.




"He's coming to beat me again",I mumbled softly making my voice a whisper while my heartbeat was palpitating abnormally.

" please someone help me! I'm scared!oh my...hmf ",I covered my mouth with my hands in order to lessen my sniffing sounds I got from crying.

I prayed to God Almighty that he would come and saved me from my captor madness.

I kept on holding my crucifix necklace that my mom gave when I was only a baby.

She mentioned it to me when I asked her about it when I was 7.

I wrapped my arms around my body to lessen the pain he did awhile ago.

He kept punching, kicking,stroking every part of my body.

I didn't know why he's doing this to me as if I made a huge mistake for him.

It's like a fiesty beating.

Every part of my body ached and my head throbbed after he slammed it on the floor once before he started his cruel action.

* note this is Cassie pov...I'm the one who made her talked this things.

I could hardly moved my left leg.

I fell on the floor and it hit my leg when he intentionally pushed me from his lap harshly.

I heard his steps kept getting closer and more clearer.

The pounding beat in my heart kept dancing up and down.

I could hardly even breath.




( louder and louder)

" he's coming really! Oh my God!2x!",I mumbled softly like a scared little kitten.

His footsteps slowly STOp in front of the door.

Silence filled the room.

I'm breathing heavily like my heart would going to explode.

I'm still hugging my cold and shivered body.

Minutes passed.

" God! He's here!he's here to beat me again!"I shouted.

I went to the cabinet to hide from him.

" somebody please help me!",I cried.

I stay quiet inside while listening to every stamped of his foot on the floor.

I covered my mouth and closed my eyes.

I hope he could passed me this time.

" Cassie! You wanna play hide and seek huh! Okay keep hiding but if I find you.....!!!",he shouted outside.

I could hear his evilish laughter.


" mommy! Daddy!help!!!!I shouted when someone pulled my hair and dragged me near my bed.

I nailed his hands to let me go and he did.

Maybe I hurt him so bad but.

" fuck you little brat! Want to play? Here for you! ",he yelled at me as he forcibly pulled my hair again as if my scalp would skinned off from my head.

" please!!! No it hurts!!! Please stop I'm begging you!!",I screamed like I'm gonna die.

I cried so hard as he kept gripping into my hair tightly.

" I won't hurt you in one condition! ",he said with a smirked on his face holding my chin up to met his blue-like ocean eyes.

It was calm and beautiful.

He looked like a good person to me.

" be a good girl! ",he said and his smirked never left his face.

Tears begun rushing down my cheeks when he pulled my skirt up and slid his manly hands into my thighs.

" welcome my slave! ",he whispered those words into my ear as he started inserting his hands into my part.

I looked like a living statue as he was exploring my body parts.
