
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter Seven: Aldric's Point of View: There You Are

"Sir it's time to go if you if you don't want to be late." Aldric Pierce was in bed resting after a late night. and it was already two o'clock in the afternoon and nobody woke him. Nobody thought Aldric Pierce could live up to his father not even him but he decided he was going to try.

"Well it looks like we are going to be late next time wake me up in time to get read if not..." Aldric opened the door and glared at his bodyguard. "I better not have to show you what the rest of that sentence is."

"Yes Sir sorry Sir."

"Let Mr. Kimero know that we will be late to his son's birthday party."

"Yes Sir."

Aldric went back into his room and ran his fingers through his hair and took off his shirt tossing it perfectly in his laundry basket and then he took a shower. Finally after ten minutes he was done, a few minutes later he finished his hair and walked down stairs with a group of bodyguards talking in hush voices. The only truly loyal one was Randall Forrest and they found him dead in his home about ten years ago. Aldric was tasked to find the killer and he didn't. His people weren't sure he could really lead them. Aldric grabbed an apple and bit into it.

"Alright you, you annnnnnd you. You guys will be my body guards tonight." Aldric pointed at the three he wanted and told the rest to help Mr. Kimero. He didn't pick the typical body guards because he was going off script. His fathers empire was built on a routine and a script he realized some time go that, that just wasn't going to fly when he was boss and here he was.

Aldric got to the party and the security of the bar welcomed him. Who went to a bar before six though? Aldric walked in and said his hello's to the rift raft and he met Mr. Kimero and his son in the VIP lounge.

"Aw Mr. Pierce you made it..." Jerold said, Jerold Kimero was another mafia boss, it was Aldric's father that finally made peace with the Kimero mafia.

"Yes it seems that my staff don't think that I can do my job." Both Aldric and Jerold looked at the three bodyguards.

"You know if your father was here he would show no mercy towards them I know your father just died but if you ever need anything we are allies now I can help."

Aldric was thankful but he was also cautious people rarely did nice things without expecting anything in return. Changing the conversation Aldric wished Jerold's son Micah a happy birthday.

"Oh thanks Aldric you know I believe you got this you'll prove everyone wrong." Aldric and Micah shook hands.

"Well does the birthday boy have a special lady here?" Aldric said smiling even though he was the new mafia boss it didn't mean that he wasn't young.

"Nope but I'm hoping to meet a lovely lady here tonight." Micah winked and they both laughed.

"Good luck with that, good luck finding someone that doesn't gock over you because of who you are. You know it should be a law no one can even look at the mafia's son or the mafia boss."

"You know that will never truly happen. No but the plan is to find someone who doesn't even know who I am that I can woo. What about you?"

"Good luck man, and naw most girls are just to you know sweet and boring once I find something that is as crazy as I am then maybe." Aldric sat down and started drinking a mixed drink.

"Oh man get with the times we don't drink those." Micah looked disgusted and ordered a Cutty and water. The most common mobster drink out there.

Aldric smirked mobster really did have a routine the same shit day after day. He was going to change it though. "You know if anyone can drink anything they want I do believe it is us."

"Fair enough man well I'm going to go party and find a something nice, will I see you out there?"

Aldric knew the answer to that was a no, but how could he say that to the birthday boy? "You know you just might." Micah left into the crowd and Jerold sat down.

"I love my son I do but his obsession to find someone like that. They don't exist most of us don't truly find love we find women to give us heirs. It looks like you have a good head on your shoulders you just might want to get an alarm." Jerold laughed and so did Aldric and they drank like normal mafia boss men did when there was all of a sudden was a loud commotion.

"You already know that it is my birthday but what you didn't know is that it was this lovely lady Taylor Smith's birthday as well." Everyone looked in Micah's direction including Aldric and Jerold and Jerold shook his head there he was doing it again making some women fall in love with him except it didn't look like the case the women that went by the name Taylor Smith was staring at Aldric she was staring the whole time right at him. When she went out and danced with Micah Aldric didn't stop staring her face was so familiar, and her outfit was as though it was perfected to her body. Not even his best men could make him a suit that fit as nicely as her outfit fit her.

Micah got called away and Aldric though about going out there to see what she was all about but he knew that would only cause drama between recently gained allies he didn't need to fuck it up. When he saw her go to the bar he relaxed and went back to his own conversation, but it wasn't long before a server went to the red ropes.

"A drink for Mr. Peirce."

His guards looked at Aldric and he shook his head. The guards told the server that Mr. Pierce hadn't ordered a drink and they needed to leave but the server was brave enough to stay which caught Aldric's attention. Everyone in this bar knew who he was and what he was capable of so the only way a server had the balls to still be around is if someone tipped them generously.

"It was sent anonymously to him."

Aldric held up his fingers and the bodyguards let the server in.

"What is it?" Aldric said holding out his hand as the server handed him the drink they told him it was a glass of Mortlach.

"A glass of Mortlach really? That is quite expensive who sent it?" Aldric smelt it and handed it to his bodyguard who took a sip and handed it back to Aldric in approval it was real Mortlach.

"Sir it was sent anonymously I can't give out that kind of information."

"Oh yeah and who is it that you are more scared of the person who sent this or me?" Aldric could tell the man was debating and it surprised him most people didn't do this.

The server looked at the beautiful Taylor Smith who was walking in from the outside world with street trash. Aldric smiled and took a sip while he stared at her. "And why is it that you could come to me what did she do that made this possible?"

"Sir she walked up to the bar order a glass of Cutty and water with Mr. Kimero, and then when he left she came back ordered our most expensive glass of scotch and said send it to Aldric Pierce she used your full name and tipped over a hundred percent. The thing is we have no Taylor Smith in our files she had never been here before."

"Interesting, very interesting guards take the server back to his business." Aldric snapped his fingers and the server was gone. This women had the courage to send him a drink using his full name and then decided to dance with some guy ignoring him, she knew who he was so why was she doing this.

Taylor Smith was dancing the salsa to Despacito and Aldric could help but feel exhilarated she knew what she was doing to him he could tell when the man dipped her she stared right at him, and as the song ended the trash kissed her. As soon as the man kissed this women Aldric got possessive.

"Go and retrieve Miss. Smith and get rid of the street trash now!" The bodyguards did as they were told and talked to Taylor and she started walking his way she even looked back at the man who kissed her. Did she know that man's fate? If she knew why did she do that? Mr. Kimero was quite impressed with Mr. Peirce's performance not only did he show his strength he had a women being brought to him. He wasn't even mad that this was the women that his son was hitting on.

As soon as Taylor was in front of Aldric he wanted her she was the most gorgeous women he had ever seen and he had a feeling that she was crazy just like he was. Taking a real look at her he could see how perfectly sculpted her figure was and how the dress showed every part of her body perfectly even hinting at how dangerous she could be. Her hair was so black that the night did not compare to it and in the light it looked as if the moon was shining against it making it shimmer, and her lips they looked soft like those of lilacs she even smelled of lilac, but her eyes her eyes were the most daring part about her. Even from a distance he could see a mix between coldness and seeing how much more she could take, and a since of power ran through them. He wanted to see what she was capable of he had a feeling he soon would, because there she was right in front of him.