
Catastrophe Queen

Tell me how do you differentiate between Heroes and Villains,Is it based on appearance or is it something else? Read to find out.

NatchViper100 · Fantasy
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24 Chs


A gate was seen in sight, it had written boldly on it "LEGACIES ACADEMY". This academy was the most popular and recommended school for heroes all over the world with high ranking heroes who specialize in the subjects they teach, activities that help students to utilize their abilities. The school was founded by the first legendary class hero "LUMINEER", it was by far the greatest and most accomplished school which created the best heroes all over the world.

Because of its popularity, the entrance examination was super hardcore and almost impossible to pass but there's a catch, once anyone graduates from the school, companies would come in search of them (not the other way around like in this life*sigh*) and their lives are completely made. In order to get into the school, there were two tests one must pass, that is; The WRITTEN TEST and The PRACTICAL EXAM. The Written exam was not like any exam, in this exam more than 70% of examinees fail woefully. The Practical for exam then tests the ones who passed the written exam on how they cope during real life situations, it comprises of, knowing the mindset of villains, teamwork and above all else the safety of civilians. Points gotten from these two tests determines what class they would be put in, these classes are divided into 3, that is,

CLASS C–30%-50%

CLASS B–50%-70%

CLASS A–70%-100%

But the way one behaves determines whether they are promoted or demoted. The school has the total number of three semesters, once one reaches final year, they would decide whether to be or not to be a hero.


"Senior Cleo! Senior Cleo!" a girl who had Tomato red hair and bottle green eyes called running towards Cleo who was walking down the hallway to the Cafeteria, Cleo stopped and turned around to look at the girl calling her and with a gentle, sweet loving smile asked,

*What is it? Layla", the girl, LAYLA BROOKE, was a second year in CLASS B, while Cleo was a third year of CLASS A, Layla came closer and said,

"Could you please help me with this?"showing Cleo the notebook she had in her hand, Cleo looked at the book for a period of time when all of a sudden her stomach growled, then she said,

"Let's head to the Cafeteria, once there I'll solve it for you because as you've heard I'm starving" ,and they both towards the Cafeteria, both ordered their meals, sat down and Cleo worked on the problem as they ate.

Once done, Layla thanked her and was about to leave when Cleo asked quietly,

"So what exactly happened at the office?"

the question made Layla to freeze right in her tracks, she slowly turned to meet Cleo's gaze, she then started laughing awkwardly while saying,

"Nothing in particular happened, you don't have to worry about anything"

"Oh? Nothing happened?" Cleo asked giving her a sinister smile,

"Yep, nothing happened" Layla said as she slowly backed away, then she noticed Jasmine at the corner of her eye and quickly ran and hid behind her, Jasmine was shocked by this action and asked,

"What happened?"

"Senior was angry at me because I didn't solve a question right, help me" Layla told her,

"There, There, My baby, mommy's here" Jasmine said patting her hair, Cleo was pissed that she said,

"You can run but you can't hide, you know?", scared by that statement Layla ran as fast as her legs could carry her out of the Cafeteria, Jasmine sat down next to her and asked,

"Hey, are you coming for my birthday party?"

"No " Cleo answered quickly,

"Eh??? Why?" Jasmine asked,

"First of all too many people, second of all too much noise, third and most important of all A.NNO.YAN.CES, want more?" Cleo asked as she relaxed on her seat,

"Come on, I even ordered a chocolate fountain and–"

"A what?"

"A chocolate fountain and also a vending machine with different flavors of smoothies" Jasmine said smiling as she noticed Cleo drooling,

"Fine, I'll come to your birthday party" Cleo said as she cleaned the drool from her mouth,

"Yay!!!!!!!, I won, I knew you loved food" Jasmine celebrated as Cleo left the Cafeteria.