In an era omitted from history , there exists a forgotten fragment of fate, lost amidst the currents of time. It seeks to unravel the enigmatic mysteries of the world, plunging into the forgotten remnants of the obscure past that is shrouded in a layer of thick impenetrable fog, making it difficult to unveil and comprehend the encroaching future.... Divinations,revalations,ancient artifacts, potions,realms/domains,authority,hexes, scorned by the world reviled by society and condemned by the heavens themselves this is the tale of the forgotten fate
As the bullet flew through the air piercing the woman's foot she couldn't help but let out a small stifled groan..
Although she was used to enduring pain she couldn't help but tremble at the site of the person in front of her..
Dam it!. Why...why is it him of all people.
Ha, I'm sorry Richard it looks like I won't be able to keep my promises she thought as a melancholic smile crept across her now pale face...
She then looked up at the person in front of her his dominating aura making her shake and tremble uncontrollably..
Looking down at her with his cold gaze he then asked I'n an emotionless tone
"Where Is he."
"I don't know.. tch even if i did know i wouldnt tell you.." she replied her impertinent attitude showing
"I see"
The man spoke as he walked over the now dead corpse
Turning around he then looked at the remaining people who were frightened by the ongoing scene. ignoring there expression he asked them
"Do you have any information you'd like to share"
N..n.. no we don't know anything we.. we were just tasked with transporting and delivering the items the man spoke visibly frightened
"Then you are of no use to the empire" he said as he raised his gun pointing it to the only 3 people left
Just then a soldier came from behind grabbing his shoulder asking in a frustrated voice
"What the hell are you doing!?" "All the valar members around here are already dead why are you involving the lives of innocent civilians?. we should just bring them in and have the hypnotise read there minds"
"Those weren't the orders"
"To hell with the orders!! You shouldn't involve the lives of the innocent"
"So are you refusing to comply with the orders" he asked the quality of his voice not changing
Looking straight at the man who had white eyes that seemed to have a slight glow the soldier. replied with a direct and authoritative voice
"NO!! If you still didn't hear me the first time the answer is no you're not killing them. none of us are. well just take them in for questioning before releasing them"
The man spoke as he turned around at the other soldier who looked visably confused on what to do and who to follow
Getting frustrated the man yelled, "Didn't you hear me already capture these 3 and take them in for qu"...
Suddenly a shot was heard as a soldier fell to the ground
"The Emperor's orders are absolute those who fail to follow them must pay with their lives"
Walking past the other soldier as he crushed the head of the fallen soldier.
he then turned around and spoke in a nonchalant deminer
"If your faith is in the Emperor then aim your weapons and fire refuse and I will kill"
He spoke as his gaze moved from left to right.
Turning around the solider then looked at the civilians who had heard their whole conversation
"Please no"...
Multiple Shots when fired putting holes in the 3 left people marking them dead.
Aizer who was watching this with his empty eyes didn't show a hint of emotion as he watched the 3 be killed.
soon words that had been engraved in his mind and on the surface of his soul had resurfaced again.
Except this time he wasn't going to ignore them and to this, he could only smile.
"Ah, mental attacks sure are terrifying ."
"you really got me good"
"I hope your ready Fool"
he said as a menacing smile made its way towards his face showing his teeth as blood oozed out of the cracks that had just appeared
His teeth were breaking!!
his hatred and disdain along with other memories were all coming back to him
with that said he raised his arms killing everyone around him not sparing a single one
Aizer was done
He was done suppressing himself
He was done acting like a fool to a play he already knew the ending of
And He was done being toyed around with by the person from above
still bleeding from his mouth as he retained his crazed smile he looked up at the sky before boldly declaring
"I am the 7th shadow"
"Countless enemies surround me leaving nothing but chaos, carnage and desolation in my wake "
"I am the angel of War
I am the darkness that is drawn against the endless nightmare
Nothing shall ever escape my wrath from this moment forward
I Accept this madness that is a part of me
I Embrace this madness showing no fear
I Accept this scheme knowing I will have my revenge
I Accept all these things as The Catalyst of Enigma!!"
he soon started laughing... laughing like a madman. his maniacal laughter echoed in the surroundings as he destroyed everything around him. he soon came to a stop as his crazed smile widened. looking up at the sky once more he then spoke in a hoarse voice
"And you Fool will die at my hands....."