
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

Alien species

The ground trembled, and the heavy footsteps made Simba the lion and all the vicious dogs terrified.

What appeared in Simba's field of vision was a huge giant bear, with its head raised as high as a two-story building, with an extremely dangerous aura on its body, as if it came from an ancient beast.

The male lion Simba closed himself on the spot and was a little confused. Is the monster in front of him really the waste bear who was scared to half death by him back then?

What's the matter with this special meow!

Simba's limbs couldn't help trembling, and he felt a pressure from the depths of the blood, and he couldn't even raise the slightest fighting intent. It was the crushing of the lower blood by the upper blood!

What's more, even if the bloodlines aside, the giant bear in front of him is nearly ten meters long and two stories high. Even if Zhao Xiong stretched his neck to let Simba attack, he would not dare!

You might not even be able to bite through the skin in one bite, so you shouldn't be slapped to death.

Run away!

At this time, Simba had only one thought, and he couldn't afford it. He would definitely die if he did anything. Immediately stay away from here and never come back.


Simba turned his head and ran outwards, and all the vicious dogs he had cultivated couldn't take care of him. He was a little faster than the last time he escaped from the circus.

"Don't run, kitty."

Zhao Xiong immediately chased him out, his speed was not slow at all, and when he stepped down, the two vicious dogs that were paralyzed on the ground and unable to move were directly trampled into mud.

On the street, Simba fled wildly in front, the ground trembled behind him, and a giant bear was chasing after him.

Although the running speed of the bear is not as fast as that of the lion, but Zhao Xiong's size is large and his steps are also large. He can run several steps against Simba with one step, and he is not slow at all in chasing, and the distance between the two is gradually shortening.


When he was only 20 meters away from Simba, Zhao Xiong roared suddenly, and his speed soared. In an instant, a terrifying speed broke out, and the distance between him and Simba was shortened to a very dangerous level. .

First hit!

The huge bear claws lifted and slapped towards the male lion's back.

The hair of Simba the lion in front of him exploded, as if being attacked by a natural enemy, he let out an uneasy low roar, but he couldn't escape the attack of the giant bear at all.


Simba seemed to realize that he could not escape, so he stopped and turned back suddenly.

The new ferocious lion first let out a harsh roar, attacked with sound waves, and bursts of invisible and sharp waves rolled towards Zhao Xiong who was pounced.


The surrounding trees trembled under the aftermath of the sound waves, the dead leaves fell wildly, and the window glass of an old residential building nearby was cracked with a lot of dense lines, showing the strength of the sound waves.


However, before the sound wave swept in front of the giant bear, a terrifying roar full of wild anger sounded, and the attacking sound wave was instantly defeated.


The sound of the glass breaking, and the cars parked on the roadside made a sharp alarm sound, which was seriously damaged.

Supreme Roar!

The astonishingly powerful roar roared like a gust of wind, acting on Simba.


Simba wailed in pain, his eardrums were bleeding, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart, and he almost couldn't control his body and fell to the ground.

The ferocious lion head was even more painful and suffered great damage.


The ferocious lion head that was conceived reached the limit of its endurance under the roaring sonic attack of the Supreme Being, and it exploded directly into a pile of rotten meat.

Simba devoured many evolutionary species, and a lion head bred with hard work was just useless.

But before he could feel the pain, a huge bear claw grabbed it and lifted it up.

It's easier than an adult mentioning a cat.

"Keep running, why don't you run." Zhao Xiong smiled wickedly.


Simba was incompetent and furious, and his sharp claws scratched randomly, but he couldn't hurt the giant bear at all.


At this moment, a muffled sound came, and the bulge on Simba's left shoulder was torn apart, and a majestic lion head grew out!

At the critical juncture of life, Simba's potential was stimulated, and the other head successfully completed the transformation even when the energy was not enough, and was conceived!

As soon as this lion head was born, it made a deafening majestic roar, which seemed to reveal some kind of power, and the faint shock made people panic.

However, this was of no use.

Zhao Xiong's other giant claw came over, grabbed the newborn lion's head, closed its five claws, and directly crushed it.


Flesh and blood flew, and Simba's two mutant lion capitals disappeared, leaving only a rotten flesh hole.

"Let Lao Tzu use two skills to trick you, and you should be content."

This is the first time Zhao Xiong has used the inherited skills since he became Indestructible Crazy Thunder. The power is not bad, and it easily overwhelmed the lion's skills.

Of course, this is also related to Simba's weak strength.

"This guy's bloodline seems to be pretty good. It should be a good idea to stew the meat." Zhao Xiong said in his heart.

Name: Simba

Race: North African lion

Bloodline: Alien Species

Status: Atavistic

Skills: Wild Howl, Bite,

Combat Strength Assessment: 260~390

Threat Assessment: Low

In addition to the fact that this man-devouring lion Simba is a scourge, the information obtained after scouting it is also the reason why Zhao Xiong wants to get it.

Simba is not an ordinary evolutionary species, but a different beast species whose bloodline has returned to its ancestors.

It is trying to transform in order to return its blood to its ancestors as soon as possible and gain more powerful power.

As a different animal species, Simba's future growth is limitless, but unfortunately, it should not provoke Zhao Xiong.

Zhao Xiong was a little curious. After returning to his ancestors, this guy grew two heads. Could it be that his ancestor was a three-headed lion?

Never heard of it, Zhao Xiong only knows the nine lions, that is, the famous Jiuling Yuansheng in Journey to the West.

Forget it, it's still more important to eat meat, Zhao Xiong doesn't bother to think about it, this guy's bloodline is back to his ancestors, and his flesh and blood contain a huge amount of essence. leave.

After the two lion heads were dried and smashed, Simba fell into a state of syncope, and seemed to have lost the ability to resist.

Seeing Simba's motionless appearance, Zhao Xiong immediately laughed. This motley lion is really good at acting. Although the loss of two heads hurt his vitality, it was not serious enough to be near death.

The keen senses can easily perceive that it is pretending to be dizzy, waiting for Zhao Xiong to relax and take the opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that Zhao Xiong won't give it this chance: "Since you like to faint, then let you pass out completely and don't wake up again."

Click it!

The giant claws tightened, and Simba's bones made a harsh sound under the contraction of the terrifying force, shattering and deforming.


Simba cried out in pain, unable to hold on.

Knowing that he could not survive, Simba opened his blood and tried to fight back before he died, launching a final attack.

Unfortunately, the disparity in strength between the two sides is too great, even if it wants to give Zhao Xiong a prize, it will be difficult. Rotten meat.