
Is there a mental hospital? Part 1

After opening his eyes a familiar roof was the scene he saw first, He sat up straight on his bed, just to see an extremely beautiful lady sleeping by his bedside, Did Xian Ying knew her? Obviously he did, if not him who could? She was his mother, the Empress of the Shaidel empire.

Watching his mother's tired expression, Xian Ying knew that she was tending to her son all night. His eyes lost their intensity and an indescribable pain pierced his heart. His red round eyes were wet, before long tears fell from his cheeks.

His mind replayed the scene, where his mother was shouting 'Don't give in' laying on a cold floor and closed her sky blue eyes. Her bloody body and blonde hair disheveled. As she lay there and took her last breath, she only smiled at her son with only longing.

'Xue Yi' The empress of the Shaidel empire, was not dead yet, she was alive, it had been four whole years since he had seen her.

Xue Yi woke up when she heard sobs of his son. She was petrified and without containing her emotions she asked

"Ying-er, my Child what happened? does it still hurt? Why are you crying? calm down--"

before she could ask more, Xian Ying tightly hugged her and cried saying

"I missed you, mom! I am sorry, mom...don't leave me!"

Xue Yi was taken aback by his Son's words, as a crown prince and only prince, he was quite strong and never showed weakness, and here he had broken down in her arms.

"hush..hush..mother is still here, she will always be with ying-er...hush calm down..everything is alright"

Xian Ying finally calmed down a lot and loosened the grip around her mother. Xue Yi was glad that he calmed so she inquired

"You are not hurt anywhere right?"

Xian Ying still couldn't take eyes off his mother in the green grown used in old china, her blonde hair loosened and blue eyes looking his way.

After a while, he shook his head and asked instead

"Mother, may I ask what date it is?"

Xue Yi at first frowned, which caused Xian Ying to think that he might have asked something weird. but what was weird about asking a date?

Xue Yi sighed softly and said

"Ying-er, don't use that weird formal language with your mother, just call me mom and This is Spiritual Are's 2009 year, 7th month, 15 dates."

Xian Ying sighed and thought: Got no time, In 2 months they will know I am rare, the father will hide it as I am the only prince. It will cause complications and many spies will take advantage of this.

I have to move fast, I can't stop me being Rare. But I can wash the palace free. And there will other three allied Kingdoms coming along with Ataitus Empire.

Xue Yi, watching her son in deep thinking started to worry and asked


Xian Ying finally came out and looked at his mother, He saw that she was very anxious, so he smiled and said

"Mom...Is Father still in court?"

Xue Yi Softly smiled and said

"Yes, Ying-er you should go and give your morning greetings to your father and grandfather"

Xue Yi thought that his son has changed somehow, he smiled but there was worry in his eyes, so she carefully asked

"Ying-er are you..really alright?"

Xian Ying, who was now another person but still the same knew what his mother was worried about and said

"mom. I am Alright just a little tired, I will go and meet father in the study when he is free"

Xue Yi smiles and kisses the forehead of her son than says

"Alright, if you insist, then all is well but remember your training"

Xian Ying was startled. If his memory served him right then there should be no training or what so ever in these days of his life. He should be free as a bird before his 17th birthday.

Seeing the confused eyes of her son, Xue Yi smacked the back of his head and said a little loudly

"Are you planning on ditching? See here Ying-er, this training is what I was asked to give you by your grandma before she passed away, so no matter what you are not allowed to ditch it."

Xian Ying completely baffled. Who is she? My cute, innocent, and naive mother? No way...or maybe something happened weirdly and so mother wants me to train.

"mom...what am I practicing?"

Xue Yi was a little confused but still told him

"obviously about poison and medicine, what else can this mother of yours teach you?"

Xian Ying jumped out of his bed and asked again but a little loudly with panic

"mom, you and poison? no no no, rest here I need to go and find medicine for you"

Xue Yi again smacked the back of his head and said while pinching his earlobe

"enough jokes, get ready, eat, and go greet your grandfather, his majesty is waiting for you to come after that go greet your uncle and then your father. hurry and come meet me after this"

Saying this Xue Yi went out of the room leaving an extremely confused Xian Ying behind.

Xian Ying: Is she my mother? An imposter? not possible, my mother's weird bloodline makes our hair this distinct, but really? I need to investigate. Before all this, I think I should know who else has become weird.

Saying this, Xian Ying even with his assassin adventure was too much panic-stricken, ran out of his room, and didn't eat because of his curiosity.

The eunuchs, servants, and maids all are acting the same as ever. He soon arrived at the whitestone palace. This palace was the one where the Grand imperial sire of the Shaidel empire 'Xian Zhihao' lived. Xian Ying without wasting any more time ran and soon reached the inner room, the guard wanted to announce his presence but he stopped him and ran inside. All servants, eunuchs, and guards were shocked to see their strict crown prince running and smiling.

Xian Ying had enough of his useless worry so he opened the door of his grandfather's room and said

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Your grandson has come to..meet...gr-grandpa?"

Xian Ying was in a state that was beyond shock.

what else could happen? His grandfather, who had become a lot weaker due to his age was doing push-ups with one hand, he had a stack of books on his back and a glass full water in the other. He was smiling and saying

"Oh! So you came Ying-er, Hurry and get ready we will go on another archery match with moving targets. Hurry, hurry...Ying-er?"

Xian Ying himself didn't know that he was sitting on his knees with his eyes full open that seemed like they will fall out of their sockets, before anything he yelled

"Gr-grandpa? ahem...grandpa...hello."

Xian Ying Thought that if he speaks more and thinks more he will undoubtedly go and grab the robe of his grandpa and say 'the hell? you were so weak, you merely spoke or took a walk before and see here! It's like someone gave you Golden Panacea'

Xian Zhihao was confused to see his grandson sitting on the floor like he saw his dead grandma...He shook his head vigorously and then looked at xian ying and said

"Hurry already, we will go in a minute"

Xian Ying lost his mind. His face was visibly showing his confused state, he looked at servents who were kneeling because of him,

They are too calm!!! what is this? Do I remember right? Shit that damnable creature, did he cursed me?

Before he could calmly collect his mind he was sitting on his horse, Moonwind.

This guy actually ran away from home in my past life. He found itself a lover and forgot his master, who was also happy for it..but now I wish I could drink his blood. Damn horse, his master was single but he dares to run away like a drama queen.

As Xian Ying was cursing moonwind in his mind, the 'still' innocent horse started to run. It didn't care if his master was still online or not. It just ran. Xian Zhihao misunderstood that his grandson was challenging him and so he also started to gallop toward the forest in the back mountain of the whitestone palace.

When Xian Ying came around he saw that he was already somewhere in the back forest of 'white mountain', he simply sighed and then looked at the beautiful horse.

'seriously, thinking of how he ran away from home without telling me, makes my blood boil, I wish I could eat it alive...ba!'

He was only galloping around aimlessly thinking,

'It seems like I need to find four suitable bodies, but finding them will cost me time, that I don't have much...so stupid of me...what to do? what to do? hmm?'

As he was thinking about what he should do, He looked at moonwind and gave a creepy smile, Moonwind ignored his master who was on his way to become a mad-man and happily ate the grass.

'this bastard is good at running away...let's not waste such good talent and use it properly. hehehe...oh! but I need to hide my presence first, now what?'

He was thinking of his hectic future while Xian Zhihao was terribly lost, His sense of direction was too low and it seems like Xian Ying completely forgot about that.

Xian Ying: Am I forgetting something? using a runaway groom(horse) and finding a way to get in and out of the castle Palace. Also, I have to first go and greet uncle hao and father. Actually, why am I here?

With that Xian Ying came out of the mountain and saw servants and maids. They were looking at him like they saw a ghost. Xian Ying tilted his head, still sitting on moonwind, and asked

"what is it?"

A butler came out.

he is Yi Lou, the personal butler of my grandpa...grandpa?

After thinking for a while, Xian Ying's face became pale and he looked behind him toward the forest and screamed inside

'curse you all, his horrible sense of direction still remains...god, it will take a whole fucking day to find grandpa...shit!'

Saying this he ran straight to the forest

"Your highness!!!"

"Crown prince?"

All servents, guards, and even Yi Lou was confused,

'don't tell me that his highness forgot his supreme majesty'

Everyone went quiet as this thought passed through there brain.


Character's fun play

Yi de: " we died!!"

Yao Jia: "how did we die?"


In the Ataitus empire, the Lei household

Lei Zhelan: "I am being forgotten again"

lei Cai: "don't pout brother! this is OOC"

Lei Zhelan: "shut your trap and get lost"

Lei Cai:" huff, now this is your character"

Next chapter