
collage days

The days before I am in love ❤️ I spend my all time in study and with friends 🙂 Actually i want to become a Doctor but it is hard for me because i blong to poor family and i live in Pakistan so it is very difficult to serve for poor but i have an mom she give me money to study I join college but its not easy because my father is against actually we have no money if they spend all money on me then my younger sister and cannot study but i join college I think medical is best field in Pakistan for poor family so i join fsc medical and I got 483 out of 505 in my 11st year result its just my past ingore it dream remain dreams my blong to low cast so people asked me you cannot due any thing its right Because cast system finished humanity no one help you and your family cast system finished humanity love sense and brother relationship its just review of my dreams