

"Mother! Father! No!" Screamed a young girl. She ran into the direction where four figures were fighting. But unkownst to her, it was already to late. She watches as her parents were stabed by a dagger. Her heart droped as she saw this horror unfold infront of her. Time started to move slowly. Her mind was racing in all direction. The atacker was moving into her direction. He holds the dagger up poiting in her direction. Tears were rolling the girls eyes. Suddenly all went black.

Thousands of years later a baby girl opened eyes to the smiling faces of kind hearted people. She instinly starteed to cry. No one knew the answer to her sudden outburst. It was unkown to them that one day all of their lives will change because of this girl.

Hi, I am new so please be free to give ideas down in the comment and let me know. :)

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