
Chapter 1: One rainy day, and a Golden ticket

The weather is a bit off today, with an announcement of an upcoming storm in the proximity of New York City. The street was filled of passerby holding different color umbrellas with their shoes squeaking as they passed by. The thick glass wall of the cafe was now covered with raindrops coming from twitched umbrellas and splashes of water on the sidewalk. Even it was raining hard, the street was still busy with wheels rolling on the wet street, and feet marching on the sidewalk.

The Ladies' Coffee was a small café on the east of New York City. It was quite unpopular because of its location. It was hidden behind the tall law firm building, and was a bit far from the center of downtown. Not many actually knows that an eighteen-years-old café was existing behind the Madison Firm.

There were not more than five costumers sitting on different table, sipping cheap but surely delicious coffee. On the left corner of the café sits a slender lady wearing thick sweater and loose pants. The large spectacles on her eyes was now pulled back to the top of her head, like a headband. The baby curls of her neatly ponytailed chestnut hair was peeking out. Her gaze was empty and dull. She is looking passed the clear glass wall, but her attention was not fully focused on the street. She was preoccupied. She wrapped her callused hands on the cup of coffee sitting alone on the table. That calluses in her hands are proof of labors and hardwork.

Her name was Serene Almirez. Her surname was a popular one in the business world. Its not a surprised that she was always asked about her connection to the Almirez family, because she carry the same surname around. She truly hated her mother for using her father's last name for her. She was no other than a once privileged princess who chose to runaway from the palace because of an evil witch. Peter Almirez, Serene's father was the owner of the Daily Life Publishing Company which is the biggest publishing house in North America. Her father was Hispanic with a mix of Filipino blood. Cynthia (Serene's mother) met Peter on a restaurant at Virginia. Cynthia works there as a cook. They started seeing each other after their first meeting, which is forbidden at that moment because Peter was already engaged and his fiancé was currently pregnant. Their secret affair lasted for months. Cynthia found out that she was pregnant and the father of her child was already married. She quit her work and seek for another job, now on a small bar in NYC. After giving birth to Serene she raised her alone. Unfortunately Cynthia died of cancer when Serene was just 11 years old. Peter has been spying the two of them, so when he found out about the death of his mistress he took Serene to Queens. Just like any Cinderella story, the stepmother steps in and treat her like a rug. Vanna her step sister was an angel, but Serene was so full of her mother's bullying so she decided to leave and stay on her Uncle Christian's house in Virginia instead. There Serene was forced to work and study at the same time. She got used to it, scrubbing dirty walls of other's house, serving coffee to a law firm and even baby sitting. Serene survived college with her own money and some support from her loving uncle and auntie.

Serene heaved a long sigh. The last month was tough for her. Her uncle got into an accident at a construction site in Richmond, so she needed money for the operation of his left leg. Serene and her auntie already apply for a loan but it wasn't enough. She couldn't make fast money with her job at a bakery. When she received a text from Sydney, a close friend in high school, offering her a job, she immediately grabbed the opportunity. It is just a one-time job with a large money at stake. She wasn't nervous about the job Sydney will offer, because Sydney was a true friend to her despite of their indifferences.

Sydney has occasionally wiring her money especially during that time when Serene needed it the most. Sydney has a pure heart for Serene, that's why they have full trust to each other.

A well-proportioned lady emerged on the door with soak leather boots smudging the floor. She was wearing a pink beret and a fashionable french coat. She gently hang her umbrella on the rack and roamed her gray eyes on the café. Her blonde long hair swayed as she walked to a friend she hardly recognized. She spotted Serene on the corner, but was still examining her in the distance while taking uncertain leaps towards her. She couldn't believe the new style of her friend.

"I-Is that you Sere?" Sydney asked the girl sitting on the corner. She was definitely Serene but she had totally changed her fashion sense to the point that she was unrecognisable.

Serene looked up after she noticed the presence of someone. She set her eyes on the blonde chick in front of her. It was Sydney, her mind speak aloud. The last time she saw her in person was during their junior high graduation. She hate dying her hair back then so it was a surprised that she dyed her hair blonde.

"Yes, it's me." That's the only words that Serene can say. She was also stunned to see her friend and was kind of envious of her current state, but Serene doesn't regretted running away from her family. She rather eat nothing than suffer with everyday humiliation and bullying. "Please sit." Serene offered the opposite seat which Sydney accepted. She sat on it and stroll her eyes first on the now almost empty café. Sydney doesn't actually know this place, so it take her minutes to navigate its location.

Serene watched her closely. She extremely like her fashion now and the aura Sydney is giving off. "Are you gunning for a modelling or acting break?" It was noticeable on how she dresses, that she wasn't just showing her expensive dress in public, but she was really carrying a brand of her own.

Sydney smiled. "Well, that's why I'm here. I have to attend a fashion event in Paris, but my father bought me a stupid ticket of a hotel launching on the same day."

Sydney hated it when her father decide something for her without even considering her opinion. "I think your father haven't supported you with the career you are trying to win for yourself," Serene concluded.

Sydney folded her arms while nodding. "You can read me better than other people."

Serene partially smiled. "Would you want to order something? They offer cheap but delicious coffee and bread here." Serene can't afford to eat on an expensive restaurant. She doesn't even dine in on popular food store. She was a bit ashamed that this is the only place she can afford for her friend who is a billionaire's daughter.

Sydney grimaced. "To be honest, I don't drink cheap stuff, but I appreciated this place. In fact I'm on a diet and I just eat what my nutritionist recommends." Serene just nodded as she could understand the life of wealthy people.

Sydney lifted her chanel bag which is one of the latest in their collection and searched for a thing inside it. Serene just watched her as she pulled a golden ticket on her large purse. Sydney extend her arm to Serene and handed her the golden ticket. Serene was confused of why her friend was giving her a ticket, but she just take it quietly and studied it. It was a shining golden ticket, a size of a long postal envelope. It was thick and hard like an ATM card with some words chiseled on it.

It has a six digit number on it, and a logo of a two tulip flower entangled on each other. Serene read the words on top of the ticket. "Casa Roma."

"The Casa Roma was the prestigious hotel freshly built on the Vianca Island. I'm sure you already heard about that island in the east. I stayed there once and they have the best wine ever in the whole continent. It's a good thing they built an official hotel on that place because resort houses was a bit old fashioned for me." Sydney had gone through the Vianca Island after college graduation. She met few hunks there, but the tourists on the Vianca Island mostly are womanizer. Since she was going to enter the entertainment industry, she has to stay away from scandals.

Serene stared at the ticket once more. "Am I going to use this?" The ticket is confusing her. She doesn't know that she needs a ticket to get there in Vianca Island. She heard about that island when she first settle in Brooklyn a few weeks ago but she never ask about the details.

Sydney nodded. "Yep. That ticket was very very important. Our family was a close friend of Romas, let's say a close business associate. When my father had heard that there will be a prestigious party in the day of the launching of the hotel, he immediately bought a ticket. It cost 2000 dollars, Serene. Many elites had bought ticket as well, because they will not let theirselves missed this event. This is the grandest of all." The way Sydney described it make Serene nervous.

"You have to proxy me. This is a masquerade party so you don't have to worry about showing up your face. You just have to use the ticket, swipe this on the door, dang! Have it registered and leave the party after. The hotel administrator can track if the ticket was used up or not, so you better registered it, okay."

Serene fidgeted the ticket on her fingers. "You mean I'll attend that party, register the ticket and leave? That's it?" Sydney's instruction wasn't that hard to follow. Although Serene wasn't used of partying she had a positive spirit that she can do it right.

"Yes, that's it. I'll pay you double the price of the ticket, 4000 bucks. Call?" Sydney was sure her friend will agree, and she wasn't wrong. Serene nodded but with uncertain look on her face.

"How about the dress, make-up and travel expenses?" That worries her a lot.

Sydney lightly chuckled. Her friend become so problematic about spending dime on herself. "I'll handle that. I'll call you before the party. Just relax. It's just a party."

Serene grimaced and watched the ticket slightly glistened as the light of the chandelier struck it.

The job was easy, but why her stomach is telling her otherwise?