8 Reincarnation

"Oh... your all here already. hahahahah" A voice of a woman rang out taking all of their attention.

A Shape of a woman floating on the ceiling. Thanks on their power the light did not blind them and keep looking.

"Sorry for not introducing myself. I'm the god that summon you in here so please forgive me"Her tone is soft and gentle. But all of them did not affect by it not like a young boy that see his first love.

"It's okay, can you explain what where doing in here?"The straw hat boy ask not minding the problem.

The woman aura became a little bit brighter because all of them did not complain."If you will see you are all in this dark place. But don't worry this is just temporary for a while. Now on the next, why all of you are here? because all of you is now too strong to stay on your perspective world. If you still stay there the balance of power might collapse.. You know lot of Gods on your world keep complaining to about all of you. Yours destructive power and it might threaten them, so the true god give me a authority to transfer all of you to the other world. So i take all of you in here without all of you knowing.

"Wait.. What did you say you take all of ask in here? Why i'am died? I remember that saitama said that all of them doing something and they just appear in this place. On the other hand i died."Jin Wei ask in normal voice. Even he died he doesn't really care, he just need answer.

"Oh.. you because your a bit different. Your world is full of connection to heaven so if i force to take you in here you will feel the sensation and you will resist. So i talk to that woman in the Green robe, the one that your fighting. And he said it to the other two making them against you. But don't worry i revive all of the realm and planet there, even the green in robe.

"Why did you revive one of the Celestial king? it is a bit to far"his tone is cold.

"Because your world is have a four Celestial king so if know one take the throne. The balance of power will collapse leaving that old guy to rule the other universe. That is the one that keep complaining about the god on your world.

"What there's a God!?"Jin Wei ask surprise. Hey so the other gods is just a funny title even me.

"Yes, he is the one that ruling over all of you""just forget it and talk about business in here. First of all i'm giving all of you a reincarnation in another world. But you power is still within in all of you. And that it's all, any question?"

"Yeah is there meat in this place?"The straw hat boy ask touching his stomach.

"Just wait Luffy when all of you are done in the process"The woman reassure him."All of you any question?"

"Me, if i can ask. What will happen on my family?"

"Is that you question Naruto. It will be okay your already an old man, i know that you already know that you age became young again, right?"

"Yeah.. i'm already 85 years old."Naruto said.

"hahahha... it's because your god did not permit you to inheritance your power."

"How about sasuke? We have the same power, why did i not see him here?"

"It's because their bloodline is already like that. All of the Uchiha clan have that kind of power already in the beginning so there's no point taking him there"

"Oh is that so"A bit sadness on his tone.

"So all of you. do you all have question?"

"No nothing. i just need a stronger opponent"

"Were good in here""Yeah i'm good in here"

"Just need meat, i'm hungry"


"I will go where ever my sensei go"

"Everything is okay to me"

"Is that so i hope all of good luck then"The Woman bid farewell, waving his hand. Darkness engulf us and put us to sleep.
