
Birthday party and present

The bright sun shines on Ben's face. `It's already noon, has the time really passed so quickly?` thinks Ben when he leave the church. Arriving at home, his guests and his uncle and aunt with their children, including his sister Selia, are already waiting. He was looking forward to her almost as much as the awakening.

Selia is 20 years old and has married a blacksmith from the next town. She inherited her mother's figure but the dark hair from her father. The black hair curls and falls down to her bosom. She was the village beauty until she moved in with her husband.

Her husband Norb is a tall man with broad shoulders and a hard but kind face. He works for his father in blacksmith shop and will eventually take over when he retires.

"Where is my favorite brother. Come here to your big sister" Selia says and pulls Ben to her in a tight hug. "Ugh sis I missed you too." Selia muses Ben from top to bottom.

"You're getting bigger and bigger each time I see you. Not until a few more years and you're as big as daddy." After greeting all the guests, they walk together into the garden.

Once there they find tables laden with food and drinks. Ben stares at the tables as someone grabs him from behind. "Jo Ben since you're considered a grown up now how about a beer?" Norb asks his brother-in-law. Nodding, Ben agrees and walks with Norb to the keg of beer to grab a cold one. But it didn't stop at just one and before Ben knew it, everything was blurring in front of him.

The next day Ben wakes up with a hangover. `Ah I shouldn't have drunk so much. What happened yesterday. I can't remember anything. I should ask mom and dad, but first I'll fresh up`. Slowly Ben slurps into the bathroom and gets ready for a new day. `New day new me I would say. My parents wanted to talk to me about my card. Better get moving`

Downstairs at the dining table, Melani and Ardan are already eating breakfast. "Well, my boy, didnt you drink a little bit to much? Everyone makes the mistake for first time and overestimates themself. We ordered extra dwarfen beer and it knocked you out pretty good." Says Ben's father, laughing.

"Ardan don't be so mean to him. As much as he drank yesterday, I'm sure he can't remember a thing. Sit down and eat something first. It will help with your hangover." Said Melani.

Ben sits down at the table and his parents tell him what happened the night before. The more they tell him the more Ben sinks into himself. He is deeply embarrassed by the stories his parents tell. There is a sudden knock at the door and Ardan gets up to open it and in front of the door stands Selia.

"Perfect timing we were just about to talk to Ben about his card." Says Ardan and Selia sits down at the table with the other three. "So the priest already told us that he informed you about your card. Would you be so kind as to show us your card." Ben pulls out his heart card and shows it to his family.

Everyone looks surprised and looks at Ben. A few moments pass until Melani breaks the silence. "A Jack of all Trades card not bad. While not your desired card but heart cards do not lie about its owner. Jack of all Trades card holders are said to have a lot of curiosity and always want to experience, discover, and feel new impressions.

This is true for you. You should be aware of the disadvantages, but we also have good news. We can help you with a lot of your skills and cross the bottlenecks."

"How is this going to help me, then I'll be a blacksmith or baker but nothing that will really help me join the guild." Ben replies, slightly irritated.

His sister replies" Not always so negative little brother. We haven't even told you what your gift is for the awakening and your birthday. Norb, through his contacts, has located a general expansion card. With the help of mom, dad and your relatives, we were just able to pay the price the owner wanted."

Selia puts a 6x10 cm big card on the table. When Ben sees the card, his eyes grow wide with astonishment. An expansion card, that must have cost a fortune, I really don't know how my family can afford such a thing.

`Expansion cards are very hard to come by in this part of the kingdom. Not necessarily because they are rare, but because it is hard to get one. Because of the remote location of the village, only a few merchants come by and they usually only carry normal cards that the villagers need and can afford. ` Ben thinks to himself as he carefully picks up the card.

Realizing that this is really happening, he jumps up and hugs his family warmly. If you look closely, you can even see Ben's eyes are slightly moist. "Thank you, thank you very much for this precious gift but how do I activate the card?" asks Ben.

Selia answers with a smile, "Not yet. You just had your awakening yesterday. Your body needs time to get used to it. You will have to wait half a year to a year until Maxwell gives his okay to do the second revival. He is the expert at it, after all."

Slightly crushed by his mother's revelation, Ben sighs, "I should have guessed there would be a catch to this whole thing, but at least I have the expansion card already.

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