
104 – Private Meetings: Prophecy – End –


The flames crackled in the fireplace warming the room and adding more comfort to the already cosy room.


At the centre of the room was an Emissary of the gods and a member of the council Lord Janis, he offered a pleasant smile to Lucian and gave off an otherworldly air of holiness.


  A pendent of Lord Mercurion hung around his neck along with the pendants of several of the gods, all of whom were gods that the people of Mercurion paid homage to.


"Forgive me but I must take up a few moments of your time Prince Lucian," Janis gave him a polite bow and stood in the centre of the room waiting for Lucian to return to his seat.


'Well I was intending to go to the Holy Church at some point anyway,' Lucian thought, after his identity as a fated was revealed to him he knew that he would have to go to the shrine of Arachne at some point to find out what it meant.


He shut the door and returned to his seat.

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