
044 – Return to the House of Swords


Lucian frowned as he came to sit opposite Alphea, "You mean to say that they are bringing their children here to challenge us and that everyone in court is putting the blame of this on me and my actions," he summed up.


"Indeed," Alphea admitted, "I know that I promised you a month, but this changes things, depending on the degree of the blunders our siblings make, things could change, and the Council may decide to enact your punishment," she stated.


Lucian smiled as he took slow sips of his steaming tea, "That's quite alright sister, you've already done enough for me,"


"And besides it's so much more fun this way," he chuckled.


"This isn't a joke!" Alphea snapped, she was always quick to show her frustration.


"Of course, it isn't, I'm well aware that I face death if things go wrong, which is why I simply have to make sure that nothing goes wrong," he smiled.


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